Jimmy and Andrea Currin of Sanford, N.C., along with the late Andreia McDonald Currin of Lillington, announce the engagement of their daughter, Tamara Dawn Currin of Sanford, to Joel Marvin Lord Jr. of Greensboro, N.C., son of Joel and Diane Lord of Statesboro.
The bride-elect is the granddaughter of Jean McDonald and the late Ralph McDonald and the late Hazel Currin Jackson and the late Bunn Currin. She is currently employed as a research scientist with Pfizer.
The groom-elect is the grandson of Jo Rykard of Waynesville and the late Bob Fenn of Brunswick and the late Larry Rykard of Waynesville and the late Sylvester and Lizzie Ruth Lord of Statesboro. He is employed as the program director for the Greater Piedmont Teen Challenge.
The wedding is planned for May 29, 2010, at the NC Veteran Memorial Park in Broadway, N.C.

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