Dr. James Stephens is the director of the Ministry for the Sick and Homebound at St. Matthew Catholic Church. In this role, he coordinates 12 Extraord-inary Ministers of the Holy Commun-ion who make weekly visits to parishioners who cannot come to mass due to sickness or physical impairment. he has been a eucharistic minister for 18 years. As more and more Americans experience the challenges and limitations of aging, outreach ministries such as this are becoming increasingly important, both to the aged and to their caregivers. James serves on the faculty of the College of Public Health at Georgia Southern and his track record of service covers just about every stop in his career. He is a member of the Statesboro Rotary Club and has made significant financial contributions to Rotary's efforts to eradicate polio.
James Stephens
Service to Mankind Award recipient

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