On Labor Day in 1903, Teddy Roosevelt said, "Far and away the best prize life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing."
Some bridge deals give you the chance to do something clever, making or breaking a contract, and leaving you feeling that life is worth living. On others, it must be admitted, you will make the best play, but you could not have succeeded whatever you did. Then your pride is the winner.
In this deal you are West, defending against two no-trump. You lead the heart three: four, 10, jack. South plays the spade jack from his hand, which you allow to hold the trick. When declarer produces a second spade, there is little point in ducking again. So you win with your ace and ... do what?
Traditionally, a jump-response of two no-trump by a passed hand shows a maximum with two cards in partner's major (and denies a four-card major opposite a minor-suit opening). But a partnership that plays two-over-one game-force can respond one no-trump, showing 6-11 points, and on this deal stay one vital level lower.
How many tricks does declarer have ready to run? Four spades, three hearts and two diamonds: a total of nine. Your only chance is to work on clubs now. Shift to the club king. Partner's ace-queen-fifth is the prize that you needed.
Note one other point. If declarer deceptively wins the first trick with the heart ace, do not be fooled. Partner is playing third hand high, so cannot have the heart king. Even if East has the heart jack, South still has eight tricks established.
Some bridge deals give you the chance to do something clever, making or breaking a contract, and leaving you feeling that life is worth living. On others, it must be admitted, you will make the best play, but you could not have succeeded whatever you did. Then your pride is the winner.
In this deal you are West, defending against two no-trump. You lead the heart three: four, 10, jack. South plays the spade jack from his hand, which you allow to hold the trick. When declarer produces a second spade, there is little point in ducking again. So you win with your ace and ... do what?
Traditionally, a jump-response of two no-trump by a passed hand shows a maximum with two cards in partner's major (and denies a four-card major opposite a minor-suit opening). But a partnership that plays two-over-one game-force can respond one no-trump, showing 6-11 points, and on this deal stay one vital level lower.
How many tricks does declarer have ready to run? Four spades, three hearts and two diamonds: a total of nine. Your only chance is to work on clubs now. Shift to the club king. Partner's ace-queen-fifth is the prize that you needed.
Note one other point. If declarer deceptively wins the first trick with the heart ace, do not be fooled. Partner is playing third hand high, so cannot have the heart king. Even if East has the heart jack, South still has eight tricks established.