William Safire wrote, "To 'know your place' is a good idea in politics."
To know where the missing cards are placed is good in bridge, making declarer-play much easier — as South demonstrated in this deal.
West's hand, with a good six-card suit and two aces, is too strong for a weak two-bid. I like the one-heart opening bid because it usually pays to open the bidding. But passing, planning to overcall in hearts on the second round, is sensible.
After East responded one spade, South should have either overcalled one no-trump, which is dangerous in the sandwich position, or passed and hoped the opponents got too high. (If South had bid one no-trump, North, being aggressive when the opponents have bid, would have raised to three no-trump.)
When West rebid two hearts, North competed with a three-club call and South gambled with three no-trump.
This contract was unbeatable. West might have led the heart ace, trying to allow for a singleton or doubleton heart honor in the North or East hand, but chose his fourth-highest.
South won with his jack and, knowing from the bidding that East was now out of hearts, led a diamond to dummy's 10. East won with his queen and shifted to a low spade, but declarer took that with his nine and played another diamond. After winning with his ace, West led his second spade, but South took 10 tricks: three spades, one heart, two diamonds and four clubs. That's not bad with a combined 23 high-card points and no five-card or longer suit.
To know where the missing cards are placed is good in bridge, making declarer-play much easier — as South demonstrated in this deal.
West's hand, with a good six-card suit and two aces, is too strong for a weak two-bid. I like the one-heart opening bid because it usually pays to open the bidding. But passing, planning to overcall in hearts on the second round, is sensible.
After East responded one spade, South should have either overcalled one no-trump, which is dangerous in the sandwich position, or passed and hoped the opponents got too high. (If South had bid one no-trump, North, being aggressive when the opponents have bid, would have raised to three no-trump.)
When West rebid two hearts, North competed with a three-club call and South gambled with three no-trump.
This contract was unbeatable. West might have led the heart ace, trying to allow for a singleton or doubleton heart honor in the North or East hand, but chose his fourth-highest.
South won with his jack and, knowing from the bidding that East was now out of hearts, led a diamond to dummy's 10. East won with his queen and shifted to a low spade, but declarer took that with his nine and played another diamond. After winning with his ace, West led his second spade, but South took 10 tricks: three spades, one heart, two diamonds and four clubs. That's not bad with a combined 23 high-card points and no five-card or longer suit.