Stephan Rechtschaffen, a pioneer in the wellness movement and founder of the Omega Institute for Holistic Studies, wrote, "We ... anticipate what's to come, then ignore what's actually here." That might be applied to this deal. How should East defend against three no-trump after his partner leads the spade two?
South made a negative double, promising four hearts, but perhaps having five if his hand was not strong enough for a two-heart response. North's two-spade cue-bid was game-forcing, often— as here — made with a hand that wishes to get into three no-trump but contains no stopper in the opponent's suit. South, with his spade guard, was happy to rebid in no-trump.
Note West's lead. A low card promises an honor in that suit — except in partner's suit when you have not supported it. Then, giving length information is more important than strength information.
East took the first trick with his spade ace and continued with the spade queen. A grateful South won with his king and claimed the next 10 tricks with six clubs and four diamonds.
East did not anticipate what was to come. He ignored the eight minor-suit winners on the board. The defense's only chance was to take four heart tricks. So, East should have shifted immediately to his heart two. This time, the low card says, "Partner, I have at least one honor in this suit and I am trying to take tricks here."
West wins as cheaply as possible, leads his lowest heart to East's ace, and the heart five through South does the necessary for the defense.