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Grad rates up in state, county
Bulloch graduating students above state average
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Four-year high school graduation rates for Bulloch County and Georgia rose, for the most part, for the class of 2012 compared to the previous graduating class, according to data released Tuesday.Georgia’s most recent public high school graduation rate rose more than two percentage points over the previous year — from 67.4 percent in 2011 to 69.7 percent in 2012.“I am very pleased that our graduation rate continues to increase, no matter how it is calculated,” State School Superintendent Dr. John Barge said. "While our graduation rate is still far too low and we have much progress to be made, we are moving in the right direction.”In Bulloch County, both the school system overall and Statesboro and Southeast Bulloch high schools posted even higher rates. Bulloch County’s four-year graduation rate was 73.3 percent for the class of 2012, up 4 percentage points from 69 percent in 2011.
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