Consider three styles of parenting on a teeter totter with very permissive parenting on the left end, moderate/nurturing parenting in the middle and very strict parenting on the right. Research suggests that the most effective parenting style is a balancing act, choosing the moderate/nurturing style.
Parents may sometimes tip toward permissiveness, sometimes toward being strict; however, keeping the “parenting” teeter totter balanced and in the middle is more likely to yield desirable children’s characteristics.
Actions of balanced, moderate/nurturing parents include the following:
- Setting and consistently enforcing clear, fair rules
- Being flexible and allowing a fair amount of freedom
- Balancing rules with relationships
- Encouraging open communication and verbal give and take
Children raised with “balanced” parenting, versus parents who are too lenient or too strict, are more likely to have the following characteristics:
• Independent
• Self-reliant
• Self-controlled
• High self-esteem
• Achievement oriented
• Friendly
• Cheerful
• Active
• Cooperative with adults and peers.
The most effective parenting — the one most closely associated with healthy child development — practices warmth combined with moderate parental/adult control.
For more information on best parenting practices, contact Diane at (912) 871-6130, or Join us for our Balanced Parenting workshop on Monday, Sept. 22. The workshop is free, but preregistration is required. Call (912) 871-6130 by Friday, Sept. 19.
Diane Miller - Styles of parenting
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