Her career may be over, but departing senior forward Rochelle Shuman has made a mark on the Screven County soccer program that won’t be forgotten anytime soon.
Shuman played the final game of her high school career in the Lady Gamecocks’ second round loss in the GHSA state playoffs Tuesday, but will leave behind a litany of records.
Shuman holds records in every relevant offensive statistic in Screven history, scoring 68 career goals and notching a grand total of 18 assists for SCHS.
She led the team in scoring in all four of her seasons with the Gamecocks and also holds the record for most goals in a single game with six.
“Rochelle is just a great athlete,” said Screven coach Terry Marcovcic. “It’s hard to put into words what she’s meant to us. She has been a force on the field and we’ll definitely miss her next season.”
With seven other senior starters departing alongside, the Gamecocks — who won their first state playoff game in school history this year — have their work cut out, but hope that Shuman’s example will continue to guide the program.
“Rochelle was a great leader by example,” said Marcovcic. “We’ve got some young girls coming up next season. Hopefully, they can keep us moving forward.”
Athlete of the Week: Schuman shatters SC records