Note: All comments published in Soundoff are the opinions of the anonymous callers and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Statesboro Herald. To leave your message of 30 seconds or less, call (912) 489-3733. For the Fox News lover who thinks Obama is a foreign-born Muslim... out to destroy America, here are some fun facts. ... The top two shareholders of your so-called fair and balanced news source is Rupert Murdoch and Alwaleed Bin Talal ... who are both foreigners ... and one who actually is a Muslim. ... Please vote no on Amendment Number 1. ... This amendment removes control from local voters and local school boards and gives it to state bureaucrats. ... Charter schools aren't bound by laws regarding class size, teacher pay and teacher certification ... and offer less accountability.
November 2 - "For the Fox News lover who thinks Obama is a foreign-born Muslim... out to destroy A

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