The city of Statesboro is inviting the public to meet the finalists for the job of police chief - Herbert Blake, Saundra Rhodes and Charles Sikes -Tuesday from 5:30 to 7 p.m. in the lobby of Sea Island Bank at 2 East Main St. Despite the unusual location, the "meet and greet," with light refreshments offered, has also been announced as a City Council meeting. That way, council members may also attend while complying with the open meetings law. "The meet and greet is really just to give the public the opportunity to meet face-to-face the three finalists so that they can form their own opinions and convey them either through their elected official, or to the human resources department or to me directly, so that everybody feels they are part of this process," said Deputy City Manager Robert Cheshire.
Public invited to meet chief finalists
Event is 5:30-7 p.m. Tuesday in lobby of downtown Sea Island Bank