Mr. Paul BryantJames R. Barnes Mortuary Mr. Paul Bryant, age 56, passed away peacefully on Tuesday evening at his residence after an extended illness. Mr. Jimmy T. “Tee” CrossHill’s Mortuary STATESBORO, Ga. — Mr. Jimmy T. “Tee” Cross, age 47, passed on Wednesday, March 10, 2010, at the Ogeechee Area Hospice Inpatient Center, Statesboro, Ga. Mrs. Dorothy Edwards GayJoiner-Anderson Funeral Home STATESBORO, Ga. — Mrs. Dorothy Edwards Gay, age 84, died Friday at the East Georgia Regional Medical Center in Statesboro, Ga. Mrs. Audrey Forehand GuidoKennedy-Morgan-Brannen Funeral Homes METTER — Mrs. Audrey Forehand Guido, wife of the late Dr. Michael Guido, world-renowned evangelist known for his “Seeds from the Sower” ministry, died Sunday after an extended illness at the age of 88. Mrs. Mary Etta Crawford HendrixJoiner-Anderson Funeral Home EMIT GROVE COMMUNITY — Mrs. Mary Etta Crawford Hendrix, age 91, died on Friday, March 12, 2010, in the Ogeechee Area Hospice Inpatient Facility.
March 13 - Mr. Paul Bryant, age 56, passed away peacefully on Tuesday evening at his residence after

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