Debbie Howell HarperHodges-Moore Funeral Home BROOKLET, Ga. -- Debbie Howell Harper, age 61, passed away Monday, June 6, 2016, at her residence, under the care of Compassionate Care Hospice. Melba Mercer LanierKennedy Funeral Homes, Hooks Chapel Melba Mercer Lanier, 93, of the Ollifftown Community, died Monday at the Candler County Hospital. Mrs. Myrtle Higgs MayesRonald V. Hall Funeral Home LYONS -- Mrs. Myrtle Higgs Mayes, age 91, of Lyons, died Monday, June 6, 2016, in Oxley Park Health and Rehabilitation in Lyons after an extended illness.
June 8 - Debbie Howell Harper, age 61, passed away Monday, June 6, 2016, at her residence, under the

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