Charles Wendell Austin Sr.Joiner-Anderson Funeral Home, Screven Chapel Charles Wendell Austin Sr. passed away Saturday morning, July 25, 2015, surrounded by his immediate family and his care givers. Mrs. Patricia "Pat" Bragg BrownJoiner-Anderson Funeral Home and Crematory Mrs. Patricia "Pat" Bragg Brown, age 64, died on Sunday, July 26, 2015, at the Ogeechee Area Hospice Inpatient Facility. LaRose Brower ShirahThompson-Strickland-Waters Funeral Home SYLVANIA, Ga. -- Mrs. LaRose Marie Brower Shirah, 67, of Sylvania, died Friday afternoon, July 24, 2015, at Indiana University Health Methodist Hospital in Indianapolis, Indiana, following a fall.
July 28 - Charles Wendell Austin Sr. passed away Saturday morning, July 25, 2015, surrounded by his

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