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Don’t let hurricane season catch you unprepared
Find everything you need at McKeithen’s True Value Hardware
Locally Owned 9/27/22

It’s that time of year again, and Hurricane Ian has us square in its sights. While the path may vary by the time you read this, it is currently predicted to come right through the southeast Georgia region.

Don’t let this storm — or any others — catch you by surprise! The following is a list of some essential supplies and preparations you might want to nail down (pun intended) as hurricane season blows in. You can find them all and more at McKeithen’s True Value Hardware.

WATER — Fill your bathtub(s) so that you’ll have water to flush toilets in the event that you lose access to running water, and don’t forget a bucket to transfer the water to the toilet tank. Also consider stocking a 5-gallon jug or two for drinking water.

TARPS We are likely to get a good amount of wind and rain, so a tarp or two can prevent further damage if a leak occurs. Make sure you have fasteners on hand to secure them — either nails, screws or line. All of the tarps sold at McKeithen’s Hardware have grommets for securing them down.

ROPES AND STRAPS Be sure to secure outdoor items. Every big storm around here features a few trampolines taking flight in the neighborhood — so if you have one, turn it upside down today. Strapping furniture and other outside items together will help keep them on the ground.

GENERATOR If you lose power for any length of time, you will very glad that you invested money in a generator. If you don’t use it this year, you will very likely use it in the near future, as hurricanes and other storms are not going away anytime soon. We highly recommend having a qualified electrician install a transfer switch, which connects the generator to your electrical panel or outside service box. This will avoid the need for extension cords running through the house, which poses a safety hazard.

FLASHLIGHTS — Even if you have a generator, it’s difficult to connect it in the dark. Be sure to have working flashlights with extra fresh batteries on hand.

MANUAL CAN OPENER — If you don’t have a generator, be sure you have a manual can opener. All that backup food does you no good if you can’t get it out of the can.

PROPANE OR CHARCOAL — Make sure you are stocked up for grilling. Without a generator, you may need to cook the meat in the freezer before it spoils. We carry propane canisters and bulk propane to fill your tank.

EXTRA GAS — If you have a generator, make sure you have extra gas on hand, and fill up your vehicle’s tank now. If you need to evacuate, you may find gas stations closed along the way.

CHAINSAW — If you have lots of trees around your house, a chainsaw will help you clear out and clean up after the storm. They are usually in short supply immediately following a storm, but currently we have them in stock.

While we all hope and pray for safety from this and other storms, we need to be prepared in the event that it comes our way — and McKeithen's True Value Hardware is here to help.

Stay safe, and God bless.

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