Editor: How pleasing to see the Herald's reporting Tuesday, June 15th of the Bulloch County Board of Education's intention to attempt to raise Bulloch County property taxes. In light of the fact that the Board does not publish the minutes of its meetings online on a regular basis, it was beneficial for the citizens of the county to see how the Board views the property owners of the County. I know I shouldn't criticize the Board for its lack of financial transparency, but if one of our local publicly-held companies was as secretive and uncommunicative about its finances as our Board seems to be, then every hotel room in 50 miles would be filled with investigators, auditors, and regulators digging through company records to see if the investors were properly protected, or if the investor's money was inappropriately used, or if the company executives were improperly compensated.
BOE's tax hike will lead to more in the near future

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