So, be honest. How are those New Year’s resolutions going? If you are like me, you have been slacking a little. (Ok, slacking a lot.) I’ve listed my TOP TEN ideas to better myself and my life this year. Check it out – maybe one of these listed below could be your successful resolution for 2018, too!
Save money: This is a big one. I would venture to guess that a lot of folks make this resolution each year. I must admit, I have made this promise to myself in the past and totally failed. Saving money isn’t always easy! But, it was recently brought to my attention that Core Credit Union offers kids savings accounts with fun perks and rewards to keep them interested in saving. This year, I plan to open a Savasaurus savings account (how catchy is that name?!) for each of my kiddos and hopefully start instilling the importance of saving money, and at the same time encourage myself to do better. The Savasaurus accounts encourage kids to save by helping them earn points they can redeem for prizes. Kids can earn points for getting good grades, reading a book, and saving money. I am excited to start this program, especially since many of my friends have highly recommended Core Credit Union to me. To read more about the Savasaurus Club, click the link below.
Core Credit Union:
Write more handwritten ‘Thank You’ notes: I really try to write thank you notes to folks throughout the year but I’m afraid I don’t do it as often as I should or as often as I think of it. Sometimes, I don’t have cute cards handy, sometimes I don’t have a stamp…Sometimes I do it in my mind and forget to actually write the note… I have a million excuses. But, this year I vow to do better! To be sure I am prepared when a thankful moment hits, I stopped by the Hen House and scooped up a ton of cute notecards for all occasions. I even got some cute monogrammed ones. Now, I have no excuses!
The Hen House:
Try a Barre class: I don’t usually make fitness resolutions because they are impossible to keep! And honestly, I’m a little lazy. But, I have been dying to try a Barre Tab class with Mindy Fair at 180 fitness. Barre Tab is a blend of barre (think ballet-inspired moves to strengthen your lower body and core and lift your booty) and Tabata, which is motion at high intensity intervals. If you are looking for a FUN workout with an amazing group of ladies that gets results – THIS IS IT! I have taken a spin class and a bootcamp from Mindy and she’s awesome. I think trying something totally new would inspire me to work out more this year. If you are interested in joining me, click the link below and message Mindy for more info!
Mindy Fair:
Refinish an old piece of furniture: I inherited an old piece of furniture from my grandmother and this year I want to update it with a fresh coat of paint and refinished knobs. Pinterest is an endless source of ideas for DIY projects. After some fun research and a trip to Savannah Home Consignment at 441 Main St. to get advice from owner, Paula Horn, I decided to use Farmhouse Paint. This gives the furniture a great matte look and you can decide to distress the piece or just leave it painted. I chose the “Dijon,” a mustard yellow color. I’ve got the paint, now to just find a free Saturday to get crafty! Savannah Home Consignment and décor carries this line of paint as well as the antiquing wax and more. Check them out on Facebook for more info.
Savannah Home Consignment:
Do more outdoor activities with the kids: Last year, my kids begged on many occasions to go to Splash in the Boro but we only took them once. This year I want to make a point to go more often. They love Splash and with the new wave pool and kid play area its perfect for me to juggle my three kids of varying ages. Also, let’s face it – Statesboro summers get too hot to do anything outside unless it’s water related! I’ve decided to invest in splash passes this year and make a point to go more often. Even a quick trip for a couple hours in the afternoon makes the kids super happy. (And tuckers them out so bedtime is easier!) Passes are available now and are affordable.
Splash in the Boro:
Date night with my husband: I can count on one hand the times my husband and I went on a date last year. (And at least two of those are if you count trips to Lowe’s without the kids as a date.) This year we promised ourselves to take more time together as a couple. Lucky for us we have great family babysitters. So, our first date night plan is to visit a restaurant in savannah that comes highly recommended by friends. Tangerine Fusion and sushi Bar is located on Abercorn in Savannah. (I love that because it’s close to shopping!) We love a quick escape to Savannah every now and then and I’m always up for trying a new restaurant, especially sushi! Date night, Girls Night Out or even dinner with family…making a point to treat yourself this year is never a bad plan!
Tangerine Fusion and Sushi Bar:
Have Professional Family Photos Taken: I always have big plans to get seasonal family photos taken, I have all these cute ideas for coordinating outfits or getting photos taken of the grandkids for my parents… and it seems like I can’t ever get my schedule together enough to get this done! This year, I promise myself I will get professional photos taken of my family. These kids won’t be little forever. So, it’s important to me to document each stage of their life, and with something better than a cell phone photo! Super affordable pricing and a flexible schedule are what drew me to Lisa Marie Lovett of Photography by Lisa Marie. She is great with my kids and takes beautiful photos. This year I am going to make a point to take advantage of one of her seasonal portrait specials!
Photography by Lisa Marie:
Try Arbonne 30-Day Detox: Cleanses and Juice diets are all the rage but, I have yet to jump on the bandwagon. A few friends of mine have recommended the Arbonne 30-Day Detox and I decided I will give it a try! I missed the January group (the first of many resolution fails, I’m sure!) but, I am definitely going to do the February group. The detox includes 60 protein shakes as meal replacements, 40 detox teas, 60 energy drinks and more! It is also accompanied by shopping lists for healthy meals, recipes, personal coaching and support. Every Arbonne product is vegan approved. I truly love their skincare products so I think this would be a great way to jumpstart (even a month late!) a healthful living aptitude in 2018.
To give the detox a try or get more info:
Volunteer in the Community: I don’t do enough to support all the fantastic community organizations in the Boro. Safe Haven, Fostering Bulloch (and more) do so much for those in need within our community. This year I want to see where my family and I can help. Statesboro has many organizations that do great things for our community. If you are looking for places to volunteer, your local churches would be a great resource or try checking out Facebook events locally. Find something that speaks to you, and send an email of give them a call! One local organization that does so much for children in our community is the Boys and Girls Club of Bulloch County. I reached out to see where help was needed and the directors of this special program gave me lots of great ideas of areas we can volunteer our time in the coming year. If you are short on time but, still encouraged to do something great for youth on our county, consider donating funds to the Boys and Girls Club this year. Giving back to your community is a simple and fulfilling way to make your 2018 great, and help a local child have a better year as well.
Boys and Girls Club of Bulloch County:
Read more: I love this resolution. My goal is to read 10 new books in 2018. I have done this as a New Year’s resolution in the past and it’s probably the only one I’ve ever actually kept. It is measurable and simple. Instead of watching TV at night, I plan to read more. I want to set a better example to my kiddos by watching less television and escaping in a book instead. The local library is a great place to start. It’s free, and while I’m there I could even take advantage of the children’s section or the great activities the Library has throughout the year. Another variation might be reading more with your kids this year. I have a friend who reads a chapter from a book series they choose together with his kid each night, I think that’s a great idea! Check out the links below to see what our local library has to offer, and if you are interested in reading more to your Kiddos take a peek at Books-a-million’s list of children’s stories, “50 books to Read Before 5”.
Statesboro Bulloch County Library:
50 Books to Read Before 5: