Today, we are going to talk about auto parts and peas. On the surface, the two don't appear to be related in any way, but I promise, there is a potential connection here. Let's start with auto parts.
A second Statesboro location of Advance Auto Parts is under construction near the intersection of Highway 301 South and the Statesboro Bypass on the corner occupied by Nash Finch. With its completion, we will have five national auto parts retail stores in Statesboro. That seems like a lot to me, so I called Advance Auto Parts and asked them why they decided to build a second store here.
"We throw a lot of research into each location that we develop," said Shelly Whitaker, manager of public communication for Virginia-based Advance Auto Parts. "At this time, we feel like we could use another store in your market. Our research told us that there are a lot of do-it-yourselfers in that area who like to fix their own cars."
Whitaker said the 7,000 square foot store will be a stand alone unit. She also said the store should open in mid October. Slowly but surely, that very busy intersection is being developed as many of you have predicted that it would.
Costly peas
Increased fuel costs, drought, and other factors have hit me where it counts, at the fresh produce market. Maybe I am living in the good ol' days when boiled peanuts cost $.10 cents for a small paper sack full, but I cannot believe that a bushel of shelled peas is costs between $19 to $30 dollars depending on the type that you are buying and where you are buying them.
I am told a shelled bushel of peas weighs about eight pounds. So the starting price for fresh peas is around $2.40 per pound. Corn is expected to come in at around $17 per bushel when you can get it.
Leona Gerrald, co-owner of L & D Produce in Statesboro said the cost of fresh produce has continued to climb and she sees no end in sight.
"There are a number of reasons for the high cost of produce," Gerrald said. "Fuel costs are probably number one, but we had an untimely freeze, we now have a drought, and the deer are even having an impact because they are eating it."
"The days of squash for $.39 cents a pound are gone, I'm afraid," Gerrald said. "I suppose most people will continue to buy produce, but I'm afraid that some may not be able to."
Who would have imagined in southeast Georgia in the summertime, not being able to afford fresh produce. Here's a thought. Maybe, I can go to Advance Auto Parts, buy the parts for my car, and do the work myself. With the money that I save, I can buy fresh produce. Problem solved.
Until next week, I bid you au revoir.
Got a scoop for Jan? Call her at (912) 489-9463 or e-mail her at