The following is a list of students named to the Honor Roll and Honorable Mention lists for the second nine weeks grading period at Southeast Bulloch High School. Honor Roll, Ninth grade: Morgan Alford, Baylee Barnard, Darryl Brabham, Rachel Bunch, Dakota Burnsed, Kathryn Burrell, Charles Carnes, Dakota Clifton, William Collins II, Kathryn Cook, Catharine Cope, Phillip Cope II, Lindsey Crosby, Katie DeLoach, Kayleigh Dyches, Holly Fields, Gavin Frederick, Zachary Futch, Ginna Groover, Matthew Hendrix. Also, Destiny Hughes, William Joiner, Shelby Mains, Leah McCarthy, Dallas McClellan, Marshall McIntosh, Matthew Odegaard, Ana Olsen, Thomasina Osborne, Hannah Parrish, Shelby Rice, Jehoiada Schmidt, Preston Smith, Justin Smith, Daley Stepanek, Lane Tanksley, Kacey Waters, Taylor Wilkes, Joshua Williams, Sydney Young.
Honor Roll - Southeast Bulloch High School

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