CLAXTON — Besides celebrating their county’s 99th birthday with cake and a hotdog lunch, Evans County residents lined up to purchase little wooden replicas of the courthouse, which was a backdrop to the celebration.The event Friday on the courthouse lawn in Claxton served as a launch party for the county’s 100th year. For 2014, a Centennial Steering Committee appointed by the county commissioners is planning monthly events from January through November. Probate Judge Darin McCoy is one of nine committee members.“We have been working for about three years trying to perfect this centennial celebration because this is a once-in-a-lifetime event in our county, and we want to leave a very good mark in history,” McCoy said.The courthouse replicas, created by a Charleston, S.C., company known as Sheila’s (now Custom Wood Gifts), are the first commemorative objects unveiled for the Evans County centennial.“They got their start doing historic buildings in Charleston, and they branched out and have done wooden replicas of buildings all over the United States,” McCoy said.
Evans County celebrates 99th, unveils centennial souvenir
Event held on courthouse lawn

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