As a board certified physician, you are not surprised that Dr. Scott Bohlke is a strong advocate for improved health care. But you might be surprised how much of Scott's time in given free to helping provide improved health care. A great example is his willingness to service as medical director of the Hearts and Hands Clinic in Statesboro - a clinic providing free medical care to over 600 of our citizens. Scott declined to seek reelection to his seat on the Bulloch County Board of Education, in part to allow him more time and energy to devote to this clinic and its important work. His commitment to health care extends beyond Bulloch County, too. He currently serves as chairman of the board of the Medical Association of Georgia, he is past president of the Ogeechee River Medical Society, and past president of the Medical College of Georgia School of Medicine Alumni Association.
Scott Bohlke
Service to Mankind Award recipient

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