While some may be vocal about their service to others, this Lifetime Achievement recipient is one who chooses to keep quiet about what she does to help others.
That's why the United Methodist Women of Statesboro's First United Methodist Church selected her as the very first "Quiet Disciple," an honor bestowed upon those who serve others with no expectation or desire for recognition of any kind. She is a loyal and faithful member of the Carol Carter Circle and works as its bereavement officer.
This lady has spend countless hours of her life working in any capacity necessary at the church, attending Sunday School faithfully and getting involved in every project, endeavor or activity that comes around. And, whenever someone in the church loses a loved one or is in poor health, our honoree is the first to take food, send a card or flowers, or offer to lend a helping hand. By now, you may have guessed this lady's name ... but if not, I'll give you one more clue: She makes the best pimento & cheese in the world!
She is also a member of the church's Dream Team, which is in charge of the kitchen and creates those delectable Wednesday night suppers. As a member of the past Young at Heart group, this lady made many senior citizens smile in delight when she delivered their meals. Some of those smiles also appeared when this wonderful lady helped with the United Methodist Women's Bake sales. Her creations, including her trademark candies, are almost as sweet as she.
Our honoree visits the ill, those confined to their homes, to nursing homes, the hospital or hospice. She is particularly of service to those without close family or a limited circle of friends.
Our recipient is deeply involved in her church's Helping Hands ministry, always ready to fill any need that is brought to her attention. And, if it's Thursday, you know she will faithfully be in attendance at her Thursday morning prayer group.
A hard worker who is beloved for the many "little things she does for others" - Ollie Dixon - a Deen Day Smith Service to Mankind Lifetime Achievement Award recipient.