Note: All information included in this report is taken from law enforcement incident reports and arrest records, which are public records and available for review at any and all local law enforcement agencies. Not every arrest leads to a conviction. Guilt or innocence is determined by the court system.
Statesboro Police Arrests
No arrests filed.
Bulloch Sheriff's Arrests
Cecil Jonathan Sparks, 28, Groover Old Mill Road — driving with a suspended or revoked license.
Portal Police Arrests
Christopher Michael Reed, 21, Cowboy Way, Portal — fleeing, attempt to elude police, obstruction, criminal trespass, reckless driving, marijuana possession, parole violation.
Georgia State Patrol Arrests
Sherrill Wendell Motes, 61, Metter — DUI (.15).
Troopers issued 22 traffic violation citations.
Georgia Southern University Arrests
Officers issued one traffic citation Tuesday.
Statesboro Police Incidents
BEASLEY ROAD — A woman said she and her husband argued because he took their children out late at night.
BUDGET INN — A complainant reported someone took $200 from a vehicle's glove box.
NOTTINGHAM TRAIL — A man said he allowed a friend to borrow an electric guitar, but instead of returning the guitar, the offender sold it.
HARVEY'S/FAIR ROAD — A woman said an unknown female accompanied her father into the store and threatened the complainant with bodily harm during an argument over a prescription that could not be filled at the time.
JOHNSON STREET — A woman said she and a male had a verbal dispute over his accusation that she was hanging around other men.
Bulloch Sheriff's Incidents
KIWANIS OGEECHEE FAIRGROUNDS — (Statesboro) A deputy witnessed a disturbance between two juvenile females and escorted both off the premises, turning them over to parents.
D&R CAR CARE — (Statesboro) A man reported a former employee forged a check for $100.
JOHNS LANE — (Statesboro) A parole officer called deputies when she discovered a parolee under her supervision physically attacked his sister. The man was arrested.
ASH BRANCH CHURCH ROAD — (Pembroke) A man said someone entered his animal pen, where he kept a baby deer, and left the key to the lock hanging on a nail. The deer was gone and traces of blood were noted on the ledge near the door. The complainant's grandson told him a 15-year-old juvenile threatened while riding the school bus that he was going to kill the deer. The teen said he had no knowledge of the incident and his grandmother told deputies he had been to the fair and went straight home to bed afterward during the times the deer disappeared. The Department of Natural Resources was notified of the incident.
MACEDONIA ROAD — (Clito) A woman said a man called her cell phone while she was attending a local fair and she feared him, so she asked a deputy to escort her to her car. She told deputies the offender's mother called and used profanity in addressing her, calling her a foul name before the offender got on the phone and said he loved her and asked whether he was sleeping with another man. She placed the call on speaker phone and witnesses heard the conversation. The man violated a protective order by calling, she said.
TIME SAVER #97 — (Statesboro) A woman reported a teenager stole a Swisher Sweet cigar.
NEVILS-GROVELAND ROAD — (Pembroke) A man said someone took three bottles of prescription medicine (Lorcet, Xanax, Soma).
BIRD LANE — (Statesboro) A woman told deputies a man tried to come into his back door. She said fled into the woods when deputies arrived. Deputies found the man lying in the woods and arrested him for public intoxication and criminal trespass.
WALTER WILLIAMS ROAD — (Ellabell) A man said someone spray painted obscene gestures on the road and on signs, as well as two storage containers. Also, two speed limit signs were missing.
CANNON DONALDSON ROAD — (Statesboro) A woman said someone broke a window in her home.
NEVILS-DAISY ROAD — (Nevils) A woman said she got into the car with her son and told him she was going home to check on her other son. The son with her said she was not going home and ordered her to take him to Reedy Branch Road. She said she would not and he grabbed her by the throat and tried to remove the keys from the ignition.
Georgia State Patrol Incidents
Troopers issued 32 traffic warnings, assisted a motorist, and investigated a crash with no reported injuries Tuesday.
Georgia Southern University Incidents
Officers investigated two traffic accidents and assisted four motorists Tuesday.
911 Law Enforcement Reports
Central 911 operators dispatched the following calls Tuesday:
Bulloch County Sheriff's Department - nine calls.
Statesboro Police Department — 10 calls.
Georgia State Patrol Post 45 — three calls.
Brooklet Police — one call.
Candler County Sheriff's Department — five calls.
911 Fire Department Reports
Central 911 operators dispatched no calls Tuesday:
911 EMS Reports
Central 911 operators dispatched the following calls Tuesday:
Bulloch County EMS — one accident call and five medical calls.
Candler County EMS — one medical call.
Evans County EMS — one medical call.
Animal Shelter Reports
The Statesboro-Bulloch County Animal Shelter received the following animals during the week of Oct. 9-15: eight dogs and four cats surrendered by citizens, seven litters totaling 31 kittens; seven dogs brought in by Bulloch Humane Enforcement; two dogs and three cats brought in by the Statesboro Police Department.
Bulloch Humane Enforcement officers Joey Sanders and Christopher Ivey responded to several calls, including two calls about horses, and issued three citations and 19 warnings for various offenses.
The shelter found homes through adoption for eight dogs and a cat. Five dogs were returned to owners. Two cats died at the shelter. Seventeen dogs and a cat were euthanized, according to shelter manager Wendy Joiner.
The shelter collected $315 in adoption fees, $60 in surrender fees, $175 in fines for returning dogs to owners, and $40 in miscellaneous monies.
Statesboro Police Arrests
No arrests filed.
Bulloch Sheriff's Arrests
Cecil Jonathan Sparks, 28, Groover Old Mill Road — driving with a suspended or revoked license.
Portal Police Arrests
Christopher Michael Reed, 21, Cowboy Way, Portal — fleeing, attempt to elude police, obstruction, criminal trespass, reckless driving, marijuana possession, parole violation.
Georgia State Patrol Arrests
Sherrill Wendell Motes, 61, Metter — DUI (.15).
Troopers issued 22 traffic violation citations.
Georgia Southern University Arrests
Officers issued one traffic citation Tuesday.
Statesboro Police Incidents
BEASLEY ROAD — A woman said she and her husband argued because he took their children out late at night.
BUDGET INN — A complainant reported someone took $200 from a vehicle's glove box.
NOTTINGHAM TRAIL — A man said he allowed a friend to borrow an electric guitar, but instead of returning the guitar, the offender sold it.
HARVEY'S/FAIR ROAD — A woman said an unknown female accompanied her father into the store and threatened the complainant with bodily harm during an argument over a prescription that could not be filled at the time.
JOHNSON STREET — A woman said she and a male had a verbal dispute over his accusation that she was hanging around other men.
Bulloch Sheriff's Incidents
KIWANIS OGEECHEE FAIRGROUNDS — (Statesboro) A deputy witnessed a disturbance between two juvenile females and escorted both off the premises, turning them over to parents.
D&R CAR CARE — (Statesboro) A man reported a former employee forged a check for $100.
JOHNS LANE — (Statesboro) A parole officer called deputies when she discovered a parolee under her supervision physically attacked his sister. The man was arrested.
ASH BRANCH CHURCH ROAD — (Pembroke) A man said someone entered his animal pen, where he kept a baby deer, and left the key to the lock hanging on a nail. The deer was gone and traces of blood were noted on the ledge near the door. The complainant's grandson told him a 15-year-old juvenile threatened while riding the school bus that he was going to kill the deer. The teen said he had no knowledge of the incident and his grandmother told deputies he had been to the fair and went straight home to bed afterward during the times the deer disappeared. The Department of Natural Resources was notified of the incident.
MACEDONIA ROAD — (Clito) A woman said a man called her cell phone while she was attending a local fair and she feared him, so she asked a deputy to escort her to her car. She told deputies the offender's mother called and used profanity in addressing her, calling her a foul name before the offender got on the phone and said he loved her and asked whether he was sleeping with another man. She placed the call on speaker phone and witnesses heard the conversation. The man violated a protective order by calling, she said.
TIME SAVER #97 — (Statesboro) A woman reported a teenager stole a Swisher Sweet cigar.
NEVILS-GROVELAND ROAD — (Pembroke) A man said someone took three bottles of prescription medicine (Lorcet, Xanax, Soma).
BIRD LANE — (Statesboro) A woman told deputies a man tried to come into his back door. She said fled into the woods when deputies arrived. Deputies found the man lying in the woods and arrested him for public intoxication and criminal trespass.
WALTER WILLIAMS ROAD — (Ellabell) A man said someone spray painted obscene gestures on the road and on signs, as well as two storage containers. Also, two speed limit signs were missing.
CANNON DONALDSON ROAD — (Statesboro) A woman said someone broke a window in her home.
NEVILS-DAISY ROAD — (Nevils) A woman said she got into the car with her son and told him she was going home to check on her other son. The son with her said she was not going home and ordered her to take him to Reedy Branch Road. She said she would not and he grabbed her by the throat and tried to remove the keys from the ignition.
Georgia State Patrol Incidents
Troopers issued 32 traffic warnings, assisted a motorist, and investigated a crash with no reported injuries Tuesday.
Georgia Southern University Incidents
Officers investigated two traffic accidents and assisted four motorists Tuesday.
911 Law Enforcement Reports
Central 911 operators dispatched the following calls Tuesday:
Bulloch County Sheriff's Department - nine calls.
Statesboro Police Department — 10 calls.
Georgia State Patrol Post 45 — three calls.
Brooklet Police — one call.
Candler County Sheriff's Department — five calls.
911 Fire Department Reports
Central 911 operators dispatched no calls Tuesday:
911 EMS Reports
Central 911 operators dispatched the following calls Tuesday:
Bulloch County EMS — one accident call and five medical calls.
Candler County EMS — one medical call.
Evans County EMS — one medical call.
Animal Shelter Reports
The Statesboro-Bulloch County Animal Shelter received the following animals during the week of Oct. 9-15: eight dogs and four cats surrendered by citizens, seven litters totaling 31 kittens; seven dogs brought in by Bulloch Humane Enforcement; two dogs and three cats brought in by the Statesboro Police Department.
Bulloch Humane Enforcement officers Joey Sanders and Christopher Ivey responded to several calls, including two calls about horses, and issued three citations and 19 warnings for various offenses.
The shelter found homes through adoption for eight dogs and a cat. Five dogs were returned to owners. Two cats died at the shelter. Seventeen dogs and a cat were euthanized, according to shelter manager Wendy Joiner.
The shelter collected $315 in adoption fees, $60 in surrender fees, $175 in fines for returning dogs to owners, and $40 in miscellaneous monies.