(Note: All information included in this report is taken from law enforcement incident reports and arrest records, which are public records and available for review at any and all local law enforcement agencies. Not every arrest leads to a conviction. Guilt or innocence is determined by the court system.)
Statesboro Police Arrests
Emma Patricia Bullard, 43, Watts Road, Guyton — theft by shoplifting.
Cara Nicole Mathis, 49, South Main Street — marijuana possession.
Melvin Randall Bullard, 56, South Main Street — possession of a firearm by a convicted felon, marijuana possession.
Christopher Powell Fitzsimmons, 24, Valley Circle — driving with a suspended license, headlights violation.
Bulloch Sheriff's Arrests
Donnell Mincey,52, West Jones Avenue — child support lockup (failure to pay).
Heriberto Alba, 18, Doy Newton Mobile Home Park — driving while unlicensed, improperly transferred plate.
Nikia Dane Roundtree, 27, West Pine Street, Swainsboro — wanted for two state court bench warrants.
Jordan Carl Todd Willis, 18, Garden District Apartments — speeding, driving with a revoked or suspended license.
Michael Todd Rempe, 40, Maria Sorrell Road — battery, criminal trespass.
Charles Nathan Rucker, 25, Mallard Pond Road hit and run.
Calvin Tyrone Smith, 35, Hill Street — bench warrant for child abandonment and wanted in Effingham County.
Donald Richard Romiski, 44, Live Oak Loop, Ellabell — battery (family violence).
Brenda Sue Rosenberg, 47, Live Oak Loop, Ellabell — battery (family violence).
Ashley Lane Thigpen, 22, Grimshaw Lane, Brooklet — driving with a suspended license, seat belt violation.
William Christopher Hall, 22, East Hampton Drive — burglary, falsifying statements and concealing facts.
Georgia State Patrol Arrests
Christopher R. Wright, 35, First Street, Portal — DUI (.096).
Brian Justin Gordy, 37, Richmond Drive, Bloomingdale — DUI (test results not available.)
Troopers issued 13 traffic violation citations.
Georgia Southern University Arrests
Officers issued one traffic citation Tuesday.
Statesboro Police Incidents
WAL-MART — She put macaroni, fried chicken, an Axe gift pack, gloves, Goof Off cleaner, Oil of Olay, facial cleanser, DVDs, fake nails and sugar in empty Wal-Mart bags and tried leaving without paying. She was arrested.
HOWARD JOHNSON'S — Police found marijuana "roaches" (partially burned rolled marijuana cigarettes) containing a green leafy substance inside of a purple box in a night stand. Two people were arrested.
FOXRIDGE APARTMENTS — A woman said she argued with her baby's daddy over money and he refused to leave until police were on the way.
ST. CHARLES PLACE — A man and woman argued over a phone conversation the woman had with another man.
WOODLAND APARTMENTS — A man who was still living with his ex-girlfriend moved his new girlfriend in with him, which made his ex-girlfriend angry enough to shove him during an argument.
In a separate incident, a Bulloch County Sheriff's deputy reported someone damaged his patrol car by bending antennas and removing a Sirius satellite antennae.
MIKELL STREET — A man said he was jumped by several unknown men who caused injury to his face and side, requiring a trip to the hospital for treatment.
MORRIS STREET — A woman argued with the father of her child and told police she was concerned because he had a history of violence against women.
FAIR ROAD — A man told police he suspected food he ordered from a fast food restaurant had been tampered with.
Bulloch Sheriff's Incidents
UNDISCLOSED LOCATION — (A woman told deputies a company called Momentum Direct said she was a grand prize winner of $4,600. She received a check for $4, 896 that the company said was for "surcharges to be paid to the lottery regulatory board" before she could receive her prize. The woman deposited the check in her account and then sent $4, 420 to a "Eunice James" in Texas to pay the alleged bill. She later learned the check was bogus and now owes her bank $3,000.
LANGSTON CHAPEL ROAD — (Statesboro) A man said several people he did not know came to his home and started an argument, then knocked over a grill, trash can and threw beer bottles at people sitting n the porch.
BUSTER MILLER ROAD — (Clito) A woman said a man knocked down her mailbox, then began yelling at her. The victim went inside after a third party broke up the argument but the offender continued banging on the door. He was later located and arrested for battery and criminal trespass.
MAY ROAD — (Ellabell) An Eden man was arrested for making a false report of a stabbing, then becoming disorderly when deputies discovered his fib.
SOUTHERN NATURE PRODUCTS — (Brooklet) Two men accused a third of making a pallet of bark fall, then pushed him down and tried beating him, the victim said.
STARLING ROAD —(Pembroke) A woman called deputies to report a juvenile exposing himself to a school bus loaded with high school children.
Georgia State Patrol Incidents
Troopers issued 24 warnings, assisted one motorist, and investigated five crashes with two reporter injuries Tuesday.
Georgia Southern University Incidents
KENNEDY HALL — Someone reported a laptop computer taken.
Another person in a separate incident reported a set of speakers was taken from a vehicle in the parking lot.
SOUTHERN COURTYARD — A vehicle in the parking lot was egged.
Officers issued two traffic warnings, investigated one traffic accident, assisted one motorist, and responded to three alarms Tuesday.
911 Law Enforcement Reports
Central 911 operators dispatched the following calls Tuesday:
Bulloch County Sheriff's Department — 15 calls.
Statesboro Police Department — 11 calls.
University Police Department — one call.
Georgia State Patrol Post 45 — six calls.
Candler County Sheriff's Department — one call.
911 Fire Department Reports
Central 911 operators dispatched the following calls Tuesday:
Statesboro Fire Department — one call.
Bulloch County volunteer firefighters — one call.
Metter Fire Department — two calls.
911 EMS Reports
Central 911 operators dispatched the following call Tuesday:
Bulloch County EMS — two accident calls and 10 medical calls.
Candler County EMS — two medical calls.
Evans County EMS — one medical call.
Central 911 operators also routed a call to the Bulloch County coroner, a call to Screven County and a call to Emanuel County .
— Compiled by Holli Deal Bragg
Statesboro Police Arrests
Emma Patricia Bullard, 43, Watts Road, Guyton — theft by shoplifting.
Cara Nicole Mathis, 49, South Main Street — marijuana possession.
Melvin Randall Bullard, 56, South Main Street — possession of a firearm by a convicted felon, marijuana possession.
Christopher Powell Fitzsimmons, 24, Valley Circle — driving with a suspended license, headlights violation.
Bulloch Sheriff's Arrests
Donnell Mincey,52, West Jones Avenue — child support lockup (failure to pay).
Heriberto Alba, 18, Doy Newton Mobile Home Park — driving while unlicensed, improperly transferred plate.
Nikia Dane Roundtree, 27, West Pine Street, Swainsboro — wanted for two state court bench warrants.
Jordan Carl Todd Willis, 18, Garden District Apartments — speeding, driving with a revoked or suspended license.
Michael Todd Rempe, 40, Maria Sorrell Road — battery, criminal trespass.
Charles Nathan Rucker, 25, Mallard Pond Road hit and run.
Calvin Tyrone Smith, 35, Hill Street — bench warrant for child abandonment and wanted in Effingham County.
Donald Richard Romiski, 44, Live Oak Loop, Ellabell — battery (family violence).
Brenda Sue Rosenberg, 47, Live Oak Loop, Ellabell — battery (family violence).
Ashley Lane Thigpen, 22, Grimshaw Lane, Brooklet — driving with a suspended license, seat belt violation.
William Christopher Hall, 22, East Hampton Drive — burglary, falsifying statements and concealing facts.
Georgia State Patrol Arrests
Christopher R. Wright, 35, First Street, Portal — DUI (.096).
Brian Justin Gordy, 37, Richmond Drive, Bloomingdale — DUI (test results not available.)
Troopers issued 13 traffic violation citations.
Georgia Southern University Arrests
Officers issued one traffic citation Tuesday.
Statesboro Police Incidents
WAL-MART — She put macaroni, fried chicken, an Axe gift pack, gloves, Goof Off cleaner, Oil of Olay, facial cleanser, DVDs, fake nails and sugar in empty Wal-Mart bags and tried leaving without paying. She was arrested.
HOWARD JOHNSON'S — Police found marijuana "roaches" (partially burned rolled marijuana cigarettes) containing a green leafy substance inside of a purple box in a night stand. Two people were arrested.
FOXRIDGE APARTMENTS — A woman said she argued with her baby's daddy over money and he refused to leave until police were on the way.
ST. CHARLES PLACE — A man and woman argued over a phone conversation the woman had with another man.
WOODLAND APARTMENTS — A man who was still living with his ex-girlfriend moved his new girlfriend in with him, which made his ex-girlfriend angry enough to shove him during an argument.
In a separate incident, a Bulloch County Sheriff's deputy reported someone damaged his patrol car by bending antennas and removing a Sirius satellite antennae.
MIKELL STREET — A man said he was jumped by several unknown men who caused injury to his face and side, requiring a trip to the hospital for treatment.
MORRIS STREET — A woman argued with the father of her child and told police she was concerned because he had a history of violence against women.
FAIR ROAD — A man told police he suspected food he ordered from a fast food restaurant had been tampered with.
Bulloch Sheriff's Incidents
UNDISCLOSED LOCATION — (A woman told deputies a company called Momentum Direct said she was a grand prize winner of $4,600. She received a check for $4, 896 that the company said was for "surcharges to be paid to the lottery regulatory board" before she could receive her prize. The woman deposited the check in her account and then sent $4, 420 to a "Eunice James" in Texas to pay the alleged bill. She later learned the check was bogus and now owes her bank $3,000.
LANGSTON CHAPEL ROAD — (Statesboro) A man said several people he did not know came to his home and started an argument, then knocked over a grill, trash can and threw beer bottles at people sitting n the porch.
BUSTER MILLER ROAD — (Clito) A woman said a man knocked down her mailbox, then began yelling at her. The victim went inside after a third party broke up the argument but the offender continued banging on the door. He was later located and arrested for battery and criminal trespass.
MAY ROAD — (Ellabell) An Eden man was arrested for making a false report of a stabbing, then becoming disorderly when deputies discovered his fib.
SOUTHERN NATURE PRODUCTS — (Brooklet) Two men accused a third of making a pallet of bark fall, then pushed him down and tried beating him, the victim said.
STARLING ROAD —(Pembroke) A woman called deputies to report a juvenile exposing himself to a school bus loaded with high school children.
Georgia State Patrol Incidents
Troopers issued 24 warnings, assisted one motorist, and investigated five crashes with two reporter injuries Tuesday.
Georgia Southern University Incidents
KENNEDY HALL — Someone reported a laptop computer taken.
Another person in a separate incident reported a set of speakers was taken from a vehicle in the parking lot.
SOUTHERN COURTYARD — A vehicle in the parking lot was egged.
Officers issued two traffic warnings, investigated one traffic accident, assisted one motorist, and responded to three alarms Tuesday.
911 Law Enforcement Reports
Central 911 operators dispatched the following calls Tuesday:
Bulloch County Sheriff's Department — 15 calls.
Statesboro Police Department — 11 calls.
University Police Department — one call.
Georgia State Patrol Post 45 — six calls.
Candler County Sheriff's Department — one call.
911 Fire Department Reports
Central 911 operators dispatched the following calls Tuesday:
Statesboro Fire Department — one call.
Bulloch County volunteer firefighters — one call.
Metter Fire Department — two calls.
911 EMS Reports
Central 911 operators dispatched the following call Tuesday:
Bulloch County EMS — two accident calls and 10 medical calls.
Candler County EMS — two medical calls.
Evans County EMS — one medical call.
Central 911 operators also routed a call to the Bulloch County coroner, a call to Screven County and a call to Emanuel County .
— Compiled by Holli Deal Bragg