(Note: All information included in this report is taken from law enforcement incident reports and arrest records, which are public records and available for review at any and all local law enforcement agencies. Not every arrest leads to a conviction. Guilt or innocence is determined by the court system.)
Statesboro Police Arrests
Erika Lashawn Davis, 24, Highway 301 South — possession of marijuana.
Bulloch Sheriff's Arrests
Arrest information unavailable.
Georgia State Patrol Arrests
No arrests reported.
Troopers issued eight traffic violation citations Saturday.
Georgia Southern University Arrests
Arrest information unavailable.
Statesboro Police Incidents
SOUTH MAIN STREET — Following a traffic stop, police issued a citation for driving with a suspended registration.
NORTH COLLEGE STREET — Following a traffic stop, police issued a citation for no proof of insurance and driving with a suspended registration.
WOODLAND DRIVE — A man reported several items, including an Xbox, PlayStation 2, several games and a laptop computer stolen from his apartment.
ROBIN HOOD TRAIL — A woman reported someone scratched her car.
NORTHSIDE DRIVE EAST — Following a traffic stop, police issued a citation for no proof of insurance, driving with a suspended registration and failure to obey a traffic control device.
Bulloch Sheriff's Incidents
Incident reports unavailable.
Georgia State Patrol Incidents
Troopers issued no warnings, assisted three motorists and investigated five crashes with four reported injuries Saturday.
Georgia Southern University Incidents
No reports available.
911 Law Enforcement Reports
Central 911 operators dispatched the following calls Saturday:
Bulloch County Sheriff's Department - 19 calls.
Statesboro Police Department — 23 calls.
University Police Department — no calls.
Georgia State Patrol Post 45 — five calls.
Brooklet Police Department — one call.
Candler County Sheriff's Department — three calls.
Evans County Sheriff's Department — three calls.
Claxton Police Department — one call.
911 Fire Department Reports
Central 911 operators dispatched the following calls Saturday:
Statesboro Fire Department — three calls.
Bulloch County Volunteer firefighters — two calls.
Claxton Fire Department — two calls.
911 EMS Reports
Central 911 operators dispatched the following calls Saturday:
Bulloch County EMS — four accident calls and seven medical calls.
Candler County EMS — one medical call.
Evans County EMS — one accident call and three medical calls.
— Compiled by Luke Martin