Note: All information included in this report is taken from law enforcement incident reports and arrest records, which are public records and available for review at any and all local law enforcement agencies. Not every arrest leads to a conviction. Guilt or innocence is determined by the court system.
Statesboro Police Arrests
No arrests filed.
Bulloch Sheriff's Arrests
Robert Chandler, 22, Robin Hood Trail — manufacturing marijuana, possession of a drug-related object, possession of psilocybin (mushrooms).
Brandon Joseph Moran, 20, Robin Hood Trail — manufacturing marijuana, possession of a drug-related object, possession of cocaine.
Nathan Joshua Martin, 21, Robin Hood Trail — manufacturing marijuana, possession of a drug-related object.
Danielle Latrice Clark, 19, Johnson Street — probation violation, obstruction.
James McMillen Jr., 49, Buie Circle — pedestrian under the influence.
Dale Curtis Wigand, 25, Cypress Lake Road — DUI, failure to maintain lane.
Georgia State Patrol Arrests
Troopers issued two traffic violation citations Tuesday.
Georgia Southern University Arrests
Erik Christian Haeffs, 20, Georgia Avenue, — DUI, violation of the Georgia Controlled Substances Act, and driving without tail lights.
Statesboro Police Incidents
BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB — Police arrested a juvenile making threats.
WILLINGWAY WOMEN' HOME — A 17-year-old girl walked away without permission.
FAST AND EASY — A Harville Road woman said someone she does not know forged a check on her account.
HEN HOUSE — The business owner told police someone is issuing checks using his business account number and business name, but they are not legal checks and his business is not issuing them.
MIKELL STREET — Police arrested a woman allowing a juvenile runaway to stay in her home, and who gave the girl alcohol and fondled her.
HAMPTON INN — A woman said someone took a ring and bracelet from her room.
PALMETTO COURT — A woman said another female came to her house, banging on her door and demanding she come outside to fight. The offender accused the complainant of having a relationship with the offender's boyfriend.
Bulloch Sheriff's Incidents
ELDORA CEMETERY ROAD — (Ellabell) A woman said she heard scratching at the door, and saw the door knob twist. Later investigation revealed someone tried to pry open the door.
BUCKHEAD COURT — (Statesboro) Deputies responded to a domestic disturbance and ordered both parties to separate for the night.
BROOKS HENDRIX ROAD — (Clito) Deputies responding to a call about a woman lying in the road found her lying on the fog line. She said she was going to College Street, and was unable to stand due to a high level of intoxication. The deputy grabbed a pair of latex gloves and helped the woman to his patrol car, took her to jail and charged her with public intoxication.
CLYDE's MARKET #74 — (Statesboro) Deputies arrested an Old Collins Road, Collins man after they stopped him on Veteran's Memorial Parkway. He was charged with taking two Nestle Turtles candy bars, a Cadsbury Caramello bar, a Lance Peanut bar, two Reese's Big Up white chocolate candy packages and a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup package.
JAECKEL STREET — (Statesboro) A man said someone stole a white 1998 Toyota Camry.
SOUTHEAST BULLOCH HIGH SCHOOL — (Brooklet) A construction worker performing labor on the new school building saw a man run out of a classroom.
PINEVIEW DRIVE —(Statesboro) A man reported an automobile break-in, listing an 2002 Ohio state champion ring and a tape recorder taken.
PAMELA WAY — (Statesboro) A man said a juvenile fired shots in the area.
AARON STATION ROAD —( Portal)A man said he saw a white Jeep Cherokee drop an unknown subject off into a field across from his home, then he heard a gun shot.
OGEECHEE RIVER/PERKINS PROPERTY — A woman told deputies a Middleground Road man choked her with a jacket during a domestic dispute.
MILL BRANCH CLUB ROAD — (Pembroke) A man reported a burglary, stating items missing included a chain saw, a circular saw, a mitre saw, a cordless drill and a roto zip. Someone pried open a tool shed, according to reports.
Georgia State Patrol Incidents
Troopers issued eight warnings, assisted one motorist and investigated five crashes with six reported injuries and one fatality Tuesday.
Georgia Southern University Incidents
Officers investigated one traffic accident, assisted two motorists and one injured person, and responded to one fire alarm Tuesday.
911 Law Enforcement Reports
Central 911 operators dispatched the following calls Tuesday:
Bulloch County Sheriff's Department - 10 calls.
Statesboro Police Department —18 calls.
University Police Department — one call.
Georgia State Patrol Post 45 — five calls.
Candler County Sheriff's Department — seven calls.
Evans County Sheriff's Department — one call.
911 Fire Department Reports
Central 911 operators dispatched the following calls Tuesday:
Statesboro Fire Department — one calls
Bulloch County Volunteer firefighters — three calls.
Metter Fire Department — four calls.
Metter Rescue — one call.
911 EMS Reports
Central 911 operators dispatched the following calls Tuesday:
Bulloch County EMS — eight medical calls.
Candler County EMS — two accident calls and three medical calls.
Evans County EMS — one medical call.
Central 911 operators also routed a call to Wayne County 911, a call to Screven County 91, and a call to Emanuel County 911.
— Compiled by Holli Deal Bragg
Statesboro Police Arrests
No arrests filed.
Bulloch Sheriff's Arrests
Robert Chandler, 22, Robin Hood Trail — manufacturing marijuana, possession of a drug-related object, possession of psilocybin (mushrooms).
Brandon Joseph Moran, 20, Robin Hood Trail — manufacturing marijuana, possession of a drug-related object, possession of cocaine.
Nathan Joshua Martin, 21, Robin Hood Trail — manufacturing marijuana, possession of a drug-related object.
Danielle Latrice Clark, 19, Johnson Street — probation violation, obstruction.
James McMillen Jr., 49, Buie Circle — pedestrian under the influence.
Dale Curtis Wigand, 25, Cypress Lake Road — DUI, failure to maintain lane.
Georgia State Patrol Arrests
Troopers issued two traffic violation citations Tuesday.
Georgia Southern University Arrests
Erik Christian Haeffs, 20, Georgia Avenue, — DUI, violation of the Georgia Controlled Substances Act, and driving without tail lights.
Statesboro Police Incidents
BOYS AND GIRLS CLUB — Police arrested a juvenile making threats.
WILLINGWAY WOMEN' HOME — A 17-year-old girl walked away without permission.
FAST AND EASY — A Harville Road woman said someone she does not know forged a check on her account.
HEN HOUSE — The business owner told police someone is issuing checks using his business account number and business name, but they are not legal checks and his business is not issuing them.
MIKELL STREET — Police arrested a woman allowing a juvenile runaway to stay in her home, and who gave the girl alcohol and fondled her.
HAMPTON INN — A woman said someone took a ring and bracelet from her room.
PALMETTO COURT — A woman said another female came to her house, banging on her door and demanding she come outside to fight. The offender accused the complainant of having a relationship with the offender's boyfriend.
Bulloch Sheriff's Incidents
ELDORA CEMETERY ROAD — (Ellabell) A woman said she heard scratching at the door, and saw the door knob twist. Later investigation revealed someone tried to pry open the door.
BUCKHEAD COURT — (Statesboro) Deputies responded to a domestic disturbance and ordered both parties to separate for the night.
BROOKS HENDRIX ROAD — (Clito) Deputies responding to a call about a woman lying in the road found her lying on the fog line. She said she was going to College Street, and was unable to stand due to a high level of intoxication. The deputy grabbed a pair of latex gloves and helped the woman to his patrol car, took her to jail and charged her with public intoxication.
CLYDE's MARKET #74 — (Statesboro) Deputies arrested an Old Collins Road, Collins man after they stopped him on Veteran's Memorial Parkway. He was charged with taking two Nestle Turtles candy bars, a Cadsbury Caramello bar, a Lance Peanut bar, two Reese's Big Up white chocolate candy packages and a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup package.
JAECKEL STREET — (Statesboro) A man said someone stole a white 1998 Toyota Camry.
SOUTHEAST BULLOCH HIGH SCHOOL — (Brooklet) A construction worker performing labor on the new school building saw a man run out of a classroom.
PINEVIEW DRIVE —(Statesboro) A man reported an automobile break-in, listing an 2002 Ohio state champion ring and a tape recorder taken.
PAMELA WAY — (Statesboro) A man said a juvenile fired shots in the area.
AARON STATION ROAD —( Portal)A man said he saw a white Jeep Cherokee drop an unknown subject off into a field across from his home, then he heard a gun shot.
OGEECHEE RIVER/PERKINS PROPERTY — A woman told deputies a Middleground Road man choked her with a jacket during a domestic dispute.
MILL BRANCH CLUB ROAD — (Pembroke) A man reported a burglary, stating items missing included a chain saw, a circular saw, a mitre saw, a cordless drill and a roto zip. Someone pried open a tool shed, according to reports.
Georgia State Patrol Incidents
Troopers issued eight warnings, assisted one motorist and investigated five crashes with six reported injuries and one fatality Tuesday.
Georgia Southern University Incidents
Officers investigated one traffic accident, assisted two motorists and one injured person, and responded to one fire alarm Tuesday.
911 Law Enforcement Reports
Central 911 operators dispatched the following calls Tuesday:
Bulloch County Sheriff's Department - 10 calls.
Statesboro Police Department —18 calls.
University Police Department — one call.
Georgia State Patrol Post 45 — five calls.
Candler County Sheriff's Department — seven calls.
Evans County Sheriff's Department — one call.
911 Fire Department Reports
Central 911 operators dispatched the following calls Tuesday:
Statesboro Fire Department — one calls
Bulloch County Volunteer firefighters — three calls.
Metter Fire Department — four calls.
Metter Rescue — one call.
911 EMS Reports
Central 911 operators dispatched the following calls Tuesday:
Bulloch County EMS — eight medical calls.
Candler County EMS — two accident calls and three medical calls.
Evans County EMS — one medical call.
Central 911 operators also routed a call to Wayne County 911, a call to Screven County 91, and a call to Emanuel County 911.
— Compiled by Holli Deal Bragg