All information included in this report is taken from law enforcement incident reports and arrest records, which are public records and available for review at any and all local law enforcement agencies. <I> <I>Not every arrest leads to a conviction. Guilt or innocence is determined by the court system
Statesboro Police Arrests<B>
Rico Cornelius Jones, 34, Effingham Highway, Sylvania — probation violation.
Debra Ann Davis, 33, U. S. 80 East — theft by shoplifting, giving false information, wanted person (probation warrants in Bulloch and Chatham counties, failure to appear).
Garcia Narciso Mendoza, 21, Mill Run Apartments — aggravated assault.
Juan Hernandez Martinez, 23, Mill Run Apartments — aggravated assault.
Matthew Lloyd Thomas, 20, Savannah Avenue — DUI.
Daniel Stephen Rudelich, 19, Rucker Lane — noise ordinance violation, seat belt violation, DUI under 21, underage possession of alcohol, open container.
Floyd Marimon Sellers, Jr., 42, Skye Drive — driving with a suspended license.
Gabriel Marcellus Hackney, 20, Lanier Drive — disorderly house, obstruction.
<B>Bulloch Sheriff's Arrests<B>
No arrests filed.
<B>Georgia State Patrol Arrests<B>
Keith Wesley Brannen, 35, Williams Road — DUI (refused test).
Samuel Davis, 45, Edgar Hodges Road, Claxton — DUI (.126).
Troopers issued 24 citations Saturday for traffic violations.
<B>Georgia Southern University Arrests
<B> No arrests filed.
<B>Statesboro Police Incidents<B>
EAST JONES AVENUE — A dog bit a juvenile (four years old) in the leg after the child entered the dog's owner's yard. The dog was on a run line, but the owner had no proof of rabies vaccination. The dog was quarantined for 10 days.
ROBIN HOOD TRAIL — A man said his ex-girlfriend took two tapes that contained personal information and told him by text message she burned them.
SAVANNAH AVENUE — A woman reported the theft of wicker furniture and an oriental rug.
COLLEGE WALK APARTMENTS — A man said he allowed two females to stay at his apartment because they had nowhere to go, and they left after taking his wallet containing $80.
NORTH MAIN STREET — A woman said she and another female gave a man $7.50 each for fried chicken and cigarettes. He took the cash and never returned.
WAL-MART — A man walked out without paying for $92.50 worth of beer.
FOXRIDGE APARTMENTS — A woman asked police to help her make a man leave with whom she had argued and did not want there any longer.
JOHNSON STREET — A woman said a neighbor yelled and made threats against her.
EAST GEORGIA REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER — Police met with a man who suffered injury and arrested the man's son for aggravated assault and possession of a knife during the commission of a crime.
BAY STREET — A woman said a 17-year-old slapped her juvenile daughter during a party.
<B>Bulloch Sheriff's Incidents<B>
ARCOLA ROAD — (Brooklet) A woman reported someone knocked down her mail box.
ELDORA CEMETERY ROAD — (Ellabell) A man told deputies someone took a framing hammer, tapping set, drill and ball peen hammer.
SANDY CREEK ROAD — (Pembroke) A man found his door ajar and asked his father if he had seen anyone in the area. The father named a man with whom the complainant has had problems with in the past, saying he had seen the man's vehicle in the complainant;'s yard.
SOUTHEAST BULLOCH HIGH SCHOOL — (Brooklet) A woman told deputies her daughter was sexually assaulted at the school.
<B>Georgia State Patrol Incidents<B>
Troopers issued 35 warnings, assisted two motorists and investigated seven crashes with four reported injuries Saturday.
<B>Georgia Southern University Incidents<B>
No incidents reported.
<B>911 Law Enforcement Reports
<B>Central 911 operators dispatched the following calls Saturday:
Bulloch County Sheriff's Department - 17 calls.
Statesboro Police Department —24 calls.
University Police Department — one call.
Georgia State Patrol Post 45 — four calls.
Candler County Sheriff's Department — three calls.
Evans County Sheriff's Department — two calls.
Claxton Police Department — one call.
Brooklet Police Department — one call.
<B>911 Fire Department Reports<B>
Central 911 operators dispatched the following calls Saturday:
Statesboro Fire Department — six calls.
Bulloch County Volunteer firefighters — two calls.
Metter Fire Department — two call.
<B>911 EMS Reports<B>
Central 911 operators dispatched the following calls Saturday:
Bulloch County EMS — three accident calls and 14 medical calls.
Candler County EMS — two medical calls.
Evans County EMS — one accident call and two medical calls.
Central 911 operators also routed two calls to Emanuel County 911 and two calls to Bryan County 911.
— Compiled by Holli Deal Bragg