No tax hikes and a balanced budget brought words of praise Tuesday as Bulloch County Commissioners unanimously approved the FY 2010 work plan and general appropriations budget. Tax payers won't see a rise in the millage rate, although, some home owners will see a higher bill due to state government cutting funding of the Homeowner's Tax Exemption.
Bulloch County Manager Tom Couch reviewed the budget briefly with commissioners, and said he would "continue to work to improve the county's financial operating position" by doing all he can to avoid higher taxes while maintaining a balanced budget.
Over the past few years the county has endured some cutbacks in order to refrain from tax increases, he said.
"I know we're going through some trying times, but I'd just like to thank the employees for hanging in there with us," said Commissioner Roy Thompson. "We haven't had to have any furloughs." Then, Thompson moved to approve the budget.
After a unanimous approval, Commission Chairman Garrett Nevil said " The board really respects and appreciates the department heads, personnel and all the folks involved in the budget process. I can't say enough about how cooperative they've been to make it work."
Commissioners also voted to approve the designation of two Caterpillar motor graders and a John Deere front-end loader as surplus equipment, no longer suitable for county use and to be sold under the buy/sell/lease agreements under which they were purchased.
Bulloch County Manager Tom Couch reviewed the budget briefly with commissioners, and said he would "continue to work to improve the county's financial operating position" by doing all he can to avoid higher taxes while maintaining a balanced budget.
Over the past few years the county has endured some cutbacks in order to refrain from tax increases, he said.
"I know we're going through some trying times, but I'd just like to thank the employees for hanging in there with us," said Commissioner Roy Thompson. "We haven't had to have any furloughs." Then, Thompson moved to approve the budget.
After a unanimous approval, Commission Chairman Garrett Nevil said " The board really respects and appreciates the department heads, personnel and all the folks involved in the budget process. I can't say enough about how cooperative they've been to make it work."
Commissioners also voted to approve the designation of two Caterpillar motor graders and a John Deere front-end loader as surplus equipment, no longer suitable for county use and to be sold under the buy/sell/lease agreements under which they were purchased.