When Gov. Nathan Deal recently asked the State Board of Education to review the Common Core Georgia Performance Standards, it signaled the most public manifestation yet of the opposition the standards face in Georgia.Georgia is one of 45 states, plus the District of Columbia, that adopted the Common Core State Standards and is working to implement them into public schools.The standards – developed by the National Governors Association and the Council of Chief State School Officers and voluntarily adopted by the states – have the stated goal of bridging the gap between students successfully completing high school and being ready to move on to college or a career.They have drawn criticism in recent months by groups on both the left and right sides of the political spectrum. Conservative critics call the standards an “intrusion” or even a “takeover” of public education by the federal government, which they add is “indoctrinating” students by rewriting key concepts of American history.
Common Core in Georgia?
Educators express commitment to standards; Deal requests review