Georgia Southern University’s 23rd Annual Club Mud Winter Exhibition and Sale will take place Thursday through Saturday, Nov. 29-Dec.1, in the Ceramics and Sculpture Studio at 236 Forest Drive on the Statesboro campus. The studio will be open Thursday and Friday from 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Club Mud offers the public an opportunity to view and purchase original artworks created by students enrolled in the Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art. The exhibition and sale features work from art students in ceramics, jewelry and small metals.
Originated by ceramics professor Jane Pleak, Club Mud gives students a show place for their work and an opportunity to explore the professional sales area of studio artwork. Students set up the studio as a gallery, price the artwork, make portfolios of work, deal with the public and clean up after the show. Reaching out to their community and their audience is a necessary process in students’ growth as artists and craftspeople.
This event is free. The community is welcome, and is encouraged to visit the studio, meet with the student artists, and view their artwork. For further information, call the Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art at 912-681-5358; Jane Pleak, 912-486-7473; or Christina Lemon, 912-681-5299.