Statesboro City Councilmen will talk new jobs and new equipment when they meet Tuesday for the group’s first scheduled meeting of August. Officials will review motions that would add to the city’s fleet of service vehicles and create two full-time positions driving them.The meeting is scheduled for 9 a.m. in City Hall’s second-floor chambers.The series of items appearing on council’s agenda would, if passed, result in more than $200,000 worth of new equipment to be procured for city use. Votes will be taken to: purchase a new truck cab and chassis, with utility body, from Wade Ford, of Smyrna, Ga., in the low-bid amount of $31,775; buy a tractor, for landfill use, from Blanchard Equipment in the amount of $49,850; and purchase two new trash-loader trucks for $124,097.
City considering adding trucks, drivers
Council to decide on items Tuesday