Michelle Smith Lank, director of A Kid's World Learning Center in Statesboro, was selected recently as a member of the inaugural Quality Rated Advisory Committee for the Bright Start : Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning program.
Smith is the only local member on the committee that will guide and foster growth for Georgia's Quality Rated program. The program is Georgia's quality rating and improvement system for eligible child care programs in the state.
Similar to rating systems for other industries like restaurants and hotels, Quality Rated assigns a rating (one star, two star, or three star) to child care programs that meet quality standards over and above the state licensing requirements for health and safety.
Currently, 729 child care programs in Georgia (14% of eligible child care programs) are Quality Rated.
"I look forward to working with the first Quality Rated Advisory Committee," said DECAL Commissioner Amy M. Jacobs.
"This important committee is composed of representatives from the Georgia General Assembly, large child care chains, individually owned child care businesses, family day care homes, for profit and non-profit child care, and child care professional organizations.
"Their diverse experiences and perspectives will help Georgia achieve its goal of 100% of eligible child care providers participating in Quality Rated by the end of 2017."
Quality Rated Advisory Committee members will provide direct feedback to DECAL about the Quality Rated process and will be charged to think innovatively about increasing Quality Rated awareness and participation. Members of the Quality Rated Advisory Committee serve for a one-year term.
Bright from the Start: Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning is responsible for meeting the child care and early education needs of Georgia's children and their families.