The Governor's Office of Workforce Development will hold a Town Hall meeting on Soft Skills in Education Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. at Ogeechee Technical College.
The meeting is one of a series of 31 public town hall meetings allowing students, parents, business leaders and Georgia's professional educators to be a part of the establishment of a statewide certification in soft skills. Soft skills include, punctuality, ability to learn, appropriate business attire and the ability to work as a team for Georgia's schools.
The event will take place at OTC in the auditorium of the Joseph E. Kennedy Building.
"We hope to have a good turnout for the Town Hall Series in Statesboro," said Durden, OTC's vice president for Economic Development. "This is a chance for our citizens to provide input and ask questions about the Governor's initiative on Soft Skills in Education."
Gov. Nathan Deal signed House Bill 186 into law on May 13. The legislation authorizes the Governor's Office of Workforce Development to establish the certification.
This certification will complement the current assessment system utilized in Georgia to assess knowledge in applied math, reading for information, and locating information. Upon graduation, a student would have both a diploma and certification in soft skills and work readiness.
Executive director Melvin Everson of the Governor's Office of Workforce Development will preside over the panel on stage to engage with the public in the initiative.
Panel members will include: representatives from the Department of Education, OTC, the Georgia Department of Labor, the Georgia Department of Economic Development, the Georgia Chamber of Commerce, the Georgia PTA, the Statesboro-Bulloch Chamber of Commerce, local business owners, the Bulloch superintendent of schools, the school board chair, Mayor Joe Brannen, County Commission Chair Garrett Nevil, State Sen. Jack Hill, and State Rep. Jan Tankersley.
"The number one priority of my administration is to create jobs for Georgia," Deal said. "These important Town Halls will establish a synergy for our great educational system to partner with our business community to prepare Georgia students to enter the workforce with those vital social skills necessary in the 21st Century workplace."
'Soft Skills' workshop Tuesday at Ogeechee Tech

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