If you're new to farming or taking over your family's business and want to grow, you may want to register for AgSouth Farm Credit's AGAware Educational Workshop. AGAware is a national award-winning program aimed at providing young and beginning farmers with the information and tools to help them prosper.
Topics include: Balance Sheets & Work Projects, Income Statement & Work Projects, Family Finance & Budgeting, Risk Management, Accrual Income, Applying for Financing, Introduction to Business Planning, FSA/SBA and Other Programs. The program is certified for FSA Direct Borrower Training Credit.
AgSouth's Marketing Director Christy Smith said: "AGAware was created specifically to help young, beginning, and small farmers. We have had more than 550 farmers attend the classes since we began the program in 2012."
AgSouth is here to serve today's farmers and the generations who will follow.
"Our ability to offer these classes to those just getting started in farming and to those who want to expand their business is a valuable part of the service we provide to ensure the continued success of the family farm."
The workshop will be held from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. on Friday, August 5, at the Screven County Agricultural Center at 321 Rocky Ford Road in Sylvania.
A free lunch will be provided. Register before July 1 at AgSouthFC.com.
AgSouth Farm Credit provides loans for land, equipment and production agriculture; crop insurance; leasing; and home mortgages.
The association serves 93 South Carolina and Georgia counties and is headquartered in Statesboro.