AgSouth Farm Credit Marketing Director Christy Smith said the cooperative has created a contest to help include future generations of farmers. The Farm Credit System will celebrate 100 years of providing services to farmers and rural America on July 17.
The contest is open to children 5-11 in AgSouth's territory, which includes Statesboro and Bulloch County. Children are invited to create a poster to help the association celebrate "how AgSouth has helped farmers for a century." AgSouth's offices will put the posters on display throughout the year, share them on its social media sites, and also display them at the association's annual meeting this summer. All children who enter will have an opportunity to win $100 in a drawing to be held on July 20.
"We're always trying new ways to educate our communities about the importance of agriculture," Smith said. "With our AGAware program, we provide opportunities to teach adults and children alike about farming. We offer business and marketing training to young farmers, and we take children through the planting-to-marketing cycle to show them how their food gets to the table. Our poster contest is designed to have younger children think about the food they eat and depict, through their own words and pictures, how Farm Credit has been helping farmers since before their great-great grandparents were born."
For more information and rules on the contest, visit
AgSouth sponsoring centennial poster contest for kids

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