A former Brooklet police officer fired for sharing information about candidates for the town’s police chief position said he was terminated unfairly and improperly, but the Brooklet city councilman who supervises the police department says the officer was fired for breaking privacy laws.Former police Sgt. Jonathan McGahee was terminated Dec. 9 by Brooklet City Councilman Greg Schlierf, who notified McGahee in letter that day. Upon request from the Statesboro Herald, Brooklet City Clerk Lori Phillips provided a copy of the letter, as well as other records regarding the termination.McGahee was on the search committee for a new chief, and when he received an email from Schlierf including resumes and personal information for numerous candidates, he shared the email with one of the candidates, Matt Lynn, who was also a part-time Brooklet officer, Schlierf said Thursday.Schlierf said the email contained information about several of the 17 candidates, including resumes and applications, but only one candidate’s Social Security number was included in that particular email. Bulloch County Coroner Jake Futch, who applied for the position and whose personal identity information was shared, filed a report with the Bulloch County Sheriff’s Office when Schlierf informed him of the breach.“I’ve worked too long and too hard to become the man I am, to have something like this happen,” Futch said.
Brooklet officer fired after security, identity breach
McGahee admits to sharing police chief candidates information, claims his termination was unfair