To all Boro Snapshot participants that were filmed Monday, due to technical difficulties those videos were not able to be used. We apologize for the inconvience.
Every week the Statesboro Herald and ask a question of general interest. Look for the responses every Wednesday in Boro Snapshot.
Boro Snapshot is taped on Monday afternoons between 4:30 and 6. If you would like a chance to be featured on Boro Snapshot here are a few tips:
• Be at a heavily populated place such as Wal-Mart or the Statesboro Mall.
• Avoid being in or near a dense crowd.
• Make yourself available. Avoid being on a cellphone, etc.
• Be in a location with little background noise.
• Don't be shy!
This week's question:
"With gas prices going up and the warm weather approaching, do you think you will do less driving this summer?"