French author Jules Renard said, "The only man who is really free is the one who can turn down an invitation to dinner without giving an excuse." Was Oscar Wilde a free man? He said, "I must decline your invitation owing to a subsequent engagement." One could argue that that was not giving an excuse.
At the bridge table, you are free to issue a game invitation when you have 10-12 points. And if you also have a six-card suit, you may bid your suit twice, first at the one- or two-level, then at the three-level, with a jump if necessary.
In this auction, because North made his first response at the two-level, he rebids a quiet three clubs. South, with a spade stopper and 15 high-card points, takes a shot at three no-trump.
Would you have rebid two no-trump with that North collection? That would invite game, but it would risk partner's passing, and you don't want to play in two no-trump with a good long suit like that and a side entry. You want to be in three no-trump or to make that suit trump. So, you might rebid three no-trump.
West leads the spade six against three no-trump. How should South plan the play?
Declarer has four top tricks. The other five winners can come from dummy's club suit, but assuming the defender with the club ace will hold up that card until the second round of the suit, South will need a dummy entry. To ensure this, he wins the first trick in his hand with the spade king. Then he drives out the club ace and cruises home.
At the bridge table, you are free to issue a game invitation when you have 10-12 points. And if you also have a six-card suit, you may bid your suit twice, first at the one- or two-level, then at the three-level, with a jump if necessary.
In this auction, because North made his first response at the two-level, he rebids a quiet three clubs. South, with a spade stopper and 15 high-card points, takes a shot at three no-trump.
Would you have rebid two no-trump with that North collection? That would invite game, but it would risk partner's passing, and you don't want to play in two no-trump with a good long suit like that and a side entry. You want to be in three no-trump or to make that suit trump. So, you might rebid three no-trump.
West leads the spade six against three no-trump. How should South plan the play?
Declarer has four top tricks. The other five winners can come from dummy's club suit, but assuming the defender with the club ace will hold up that card until the second round of the suit, South will need a dummy entry. To ensure this, he wins the first trick in his hand with the spade king. Then he drives out the club ace and cruises home.