During the third day of early voting for the Statesboro City Council, 210 individuals came out to cast their ballots - about the same as Tuesday's total. City Election Superintendent Judy McCorkle said voting was a little slow in the morning, picking up after 1 p.m. with a bit of a rush between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m.
So far, a total of 606 people have cast ballots during advance voting.
In line Monday and Tuesday, there were still quite a number of citizens that attempted to vote Wednesday, but were turned away because they lived in District 1 or 4, or they lived outside the city limits.
On Wednesday, 52 voters had their residency challenged and ended up casting provisional ballots, which will be counted or not depending upon the outcome of their hearing. County officials have not yet set a date for the hearings. So far, 153 of the 909 students whose registrations were challenged have voted.
Early voting continues through Friday at city hall from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and election day is Tuesday, Nov. 6.