As early voting for the Statesboro City Council approaches, the Statesboro Herald and took time last week to sit with each of the candidates and allow them to express their views on the issues – on camera.
First, the candidates introduced themselves and stated their basic platform. Then they answered a question about their opinion of the current alcohol ordinance. Lastly, they commented on two issues of their choosing from the following list: Luetta Moore park, protecting Statesboro's neighborhoods, development incentives and encouraging non-Gergia Southern University related growth.
"We believe the election will have a significant impact on the city over the course of the next few years," Herald executive editor Jim Healy said. "We want to make available as much information about the candidates and their stances as possible."
At, there is a link under the "Local News" section of the Web site to all the information on the council races, including the candidate videos, recent articles and anything else the paper has relating to the election.
"It gives our readers the opportunity to see where the candidates stand on the issues," Healy said. "I urge everyone to visit the site to learn more about the people who will have a huge say in Statesboro government for the next four years."
Early voting begins next Monday at Statesboro City Hall and runs through Friday, Nov. 2. Election day is Nov. 6. Everyone registered in District 2, 3 or 5 is eligible to vote.
All candidates were asked about the alcohol ordinance:
* "Do any changes need to be made to the existing alcohol ordinance? If so, what specifically? If not, why not?
Candidates were then asked to answer two questions of their choice:
* "Though the state mandated that the county is ultimately responsible for the pools on the Westside, what - specifically - is the city's responsibility and what changes would you make to them and the community center?
* "What specific ordinances need to be passed in order to protect some of Statesboro's neighborhoods?
* "Currently, the city has a rather narrow set of development incentives - we only have incentives for developers of single-family residential neighborhoods. Do you think the city needs more or less incentives for developers? If more, what particular incentives would you push for as councilman? If less, why?
* "What are some specific, new ideas that you would try to implement to encourage growth of that part of Statesboro that does not revolve around the university?