It's hard to believe that every 10 seconds an animal is beaten or abused! But it's true and that's why people like Penny Harris work so diligently with the S.T.A.R.S. project - that's Save the Animals Rescue Society - an agency she helped start in an effort to save the homeless and abused animals and to increase public awareness of the needs and suffering of animals. Penny is a diabetic and works tirelessly as a team leader in the Bulloch County Walk for Diabetes program - seeking to increase public awareness of this dreaded disease and raising funds to seek a cure for diabetes as well as improved medications to treat it. In addition, Penny has helped organize Diabetes University, an event at Ogeechee Tech that educates the public on maintenance and prevention of diabetes. Penny Harris, a strong advocate for causes in which she believes.
Penny Harris
Service to Mankind Award recipient

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