The following information is the latest on Bulloch County. The data are generated by the Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development of the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences from the University of Georgia. While this is from the 2008 County Guide, the statistics are generally from 2006. This is the first in a series to report to you on our county. First, we look at our population.
The population total for the county is 63,207, 34th in the state. Projected population for 2010 is 67,678, and for 2015, a total of 68,235. Of the total, 51.5 percent is considered rural nonfarm and 1.1 percent is rural farm. Children under 19 make up 30.52 percent and adults 65 and older equal 9.25 percent.
The males in our county total 48.7 percent. Of the males, 70.6 percent are white, 27.1 are African American and 3.1 are Hispanic. Females total 51.3 percent. White females total 67.7 percent, black females equal 30.3 percent and Hispanic females make up 2 percent.
In the county, 40.8 percent have never been married; 45.1 percent are currently married; 1.7 percent are separated; 5.3 percent are widowed; and 7.1 percent are divorced. Two percent of the population report living in a household with at least one grandchild.
For the city of Statesboro, total 2006 population was 25,583. Using 2000 as a base, this represents 12.3 percent increase. The 2006 municipalities’ state rank for Statesboro was 27th. Brooklet showed a 10.3 percent increase, Portal had a -0.3 change in population and Register a -0.6 change.
If you have questions, you can find the source at Also, you can e-mail me at The 2008 County Guide is available for sale: book and CD for $65; book for $20; and Excel CD for $50. To purchase, call the Extension office (912) 871-6130 and we can send you an order form.
The population total for the county is 63,207, 34th in the state. Projected population for 2010 is 67,678, and for 2015, a total of 68,235. Of the total, 51.5 percent is considered rural nonfarm and 1.1 percent is rural farm. Children under 19 make up 30.52 percent and adults 65 and older equal 9.25 percent.
The males in our county total 48.7 percent. Of the males, 70.6 percent are white, 27.1 are African American and 3.1 are Hispanic. Females total 51.3 percent. White females total 67.7 percent, black females equal 30.3 percent and Hispanic females make up 2 percent.
In the county, 40.8 percent have never been married; 45.1 percent are currently married; 1.7 percent are separated; 5.3 percent are widowed; and 7.1 percent are divorced. Two percent of the population report living in a household with at least one grandchild.
For the city of Statesboro, total 2006 population was 25,583. Using 2000 as a base, this represents 12.3 percent increase. The 2006 municipalities’ state rank for Statesboro was 27th. Brooklet showed a 10.3 percent increase, Portal had a -0.3 change in population and Register a -0.6 change.
If you have questions, you can find the source at Also, you can e-mail me at The 2008 County Guide is available for sale: book and CD for $65; book for $20; and Excel CD for $50. To purchase, call the Extension office (912) 871-6130 and we can send you an order form.