Our Community Page carried a patriotic theme this week. Our friends and neighbors posted all kinds of pictures from fun times at the lake to fireworks displays and everything in between. User Proud mom posted a patriotic poem on the Blogspace.
Community Contributor Theresa Welford blogged all the way from London, England, where she is teaching classes this summer. She and some of her students wrote about their experiences not only of spending the Fourth of July outside the United States but also of their personal feelings about the many sites they are visiting.
Below, you will see an excerpt from Theresa’s blog. Please go online to read all of it. Space simply would not allow us to print the entire blog, which contains contributions from several students. Don’t have a computer? Visit the Statesboro Regional Library where computers are available for public use. Ask those nice folks to help you find the Statesboro Herald Community Page online. They will be delighted to give you a hand.
Community Contributor Tom Caiazzo, who contributes political blogs, chose a patriotic theme this week, as well. He expressed gratitude for the many freedoms we have as Americans. Like Tom, I believe that with freedom comes great accountability, and that we should carefully guard that term, which seems to be thrown about quite loosely as of late. We should consider carefully the actions undertaken in the name of freedom. Go online and tell us what freedom means to you.
We journalists especially hold the freedom of speech in high esteem. Without this freedom, we would not be able to do our jobs; without this freedom, you as a citizen would not be able to express your thoughts publicly. How many times do we begin a sentence with, “I think?” What if we couldn’t?
For that reason, one of the features that I love most on our Web site is the Blogspace. Here, you can express your ideas, thoughts and concerns about most anything. If a person agrees or disagrees with something someone else says in a blog, that person can make a comment about it. I am especially proud that people feel safe in sharing their thoughts here.
As one person commented this week, “I agree to disagree with you, but request that you give my ideas some thought.” Isn’t that what we are all about as Americans? The civil expression and exchange of ideas is essential to our survival as a nation. To extend that thought, we need politicians who will listen to those ideas and represent us—the constituents.
I invite you to express your ideas on the Blogspace where there is never a word count or a page limit, where you may agree to disagree, where you may share good news or where you may share sadness. We’re your friends and neighbors—the community—join us!
Community News Editor Pat Homer can be reached by e-mail at phomer@statesboroherald.com.
Community Contributor Theresa Welford blogged all the way from London, England, where she is teaching classes this summer. She and some of her students wrote about their experiences not only of spending the Fourth of July outside the United States but also of their personal feelings about the many sites they are visiting.
Below, you will see an excerpt from Theresa’s blog. Please go online to read all of it. Space simply would not allow us to print the entire blog, which contains contributions from several students. Don’t have a computer? Visit the Statesboro Regional Library where computers are available for public use. Ask those nice folks to help you find the Statesboro Herald Community Page online. They will be delighted to give you a hand.
Community Contributor Tom Caiazzo, who contributes political blogs, chose a patriotic theme this week, as well. He expressed gratitude for the many freedoms we have as Americans. Like Tom, I believe that with freedom comes great accountability, and that we should carefully guard that term, which seems to be thrown about quite loosely as of late. We should consider carefully the actions undertaken in the name of freedom. Go online and tell us what freedom means to you.
We journalists especially hold the freedom of speech in high esteem. Without this freedom, we would not be able to do our jobs; without this freedom, you as a citizen would not be able to express your thoughts publicly. How many times do we begin a sentence with, “I think?” What if we couldn’t?
For that reason, one of the features that I love most on our Web site is the Blogspace. Here, you can express your ideas, thoughts and concerns about most anything. If a person agrees or disagrees with something someone else says in a blog, that person can make a comment about it. I am especially proud that people feel safe in sharing their thoughts here.
As one person commented this week, “I agree to disagree with you, but request that you give my ideas some thought.” Isn’t that what we are all about as Americans? The civil expression and exchange of ideas is essential to our survival as a nation. To extend that thought, we need politicians who will listen to those ideas and represent us—the constituents.
I invite you to express your ideas on the Blogspace where there is never a word count or a page limit, where you may agree to disagree, where you may share good news or where you may share sadness. We’re your friends and neighbors—the community—join us!
Community News Editor Pat Homer can be reached by e-mail at phomer@statesboroherald.com.