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Bridge 8/16
If he must guess, let him guess
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    Today's deal, our sixth from a social game in Saint Louis in June, contains a key defensive point. First, though, what do you think of the bidding?
    When you have two aces, one king and 10s and 9s, you should try to open. But if West does, it has to be one club, which is unappealing with four to the seven. Similarly, East might open one club, but he would have to pass any response, which could lead to a poor 4-3 fit. South might also pass because his hand fails the Rule of 15. (In the fourth position, you open only if your high-card points plus your spade length equal at least 15.) Two hearts is a reasonable choice, though.
    I would have led the club seven, which would have given away that suit's position and made life easy for declarer. West guessed better, starting with the diamond ace and another diamond. South won with the king and led his club, West playing the six, beginning a high-low with an even number. East won with the king and cashed his diamond trick, on which West threw his club three. Now East shifted to a trump, West taking declarer's queen with his king.
    West fatally returned a club. Declarer ruffed away East's ace, drew trumps, crossed to dummy with a diamond, and discarded a spade on the high club. South lost one spade, one heart, two diamonds and one club.
    West should have trusted East to cash the club ace if it was standing up. So West should have shifted to the spade 10, forcing declarer to guess that suit.
    Do not give declarer his contract on a platter with caviar around.
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