Whenever we know that we do not have a major-suit fit, we think no-trump -- even when we have uncovered an excellent minor-suit match. Occasionally this is poor for our score, going down in three no-trump when five (or six!) of the minor was making. Much, much more often, though, we will be better off in three no-trump.
In this deal, you reach three no-trump. West leads the spade jack to dummy's queen. How would you plan the play?
The modern tournament player would intervene with that West hand, probably making a two-spade weak jump overcall. Of course, according to the textbook, the spade suit is not strong enough, and one is not supposed to have four cards in an unbid major. On top of that, the vulnerability is unfavorable. But the m.t.p. rarely cares about such niceties.
North's three-spade rebid showed spade values and asked partner to bid to three no-trump with something in hearts. South did not like having only a doubleton heart, but five clubs was a long way off. (Note that five clubs fails here if the defenders begin with three rounds of hearts, which gives them two hearts and one club.)
You have five top tricks: three spades, one diamond and one club. Four more clubs will see you home. But just in case East has all four missing clubs, you must start with the nine from the board. Then you can underplay your three, retaining the lead on the board to continue with the queen. In this way, you pick up East's holding and can still return to the board with a spade to cash the last club.
In this deal, you reach three no-trump. West leads the spade jack to dummy's queen. How would you plan the play?
The modern tournament player would intervene with that West hand, probably making a two-spade weak jump overcall. Of course, according to the textbook, the spade suit is not strong enough, and one is not supposed to have four cards in an unbid major. On top of that, the vulnerability is unfavorable. But the m.t.p. rarely cares about such niceties.
North's three-spade rebid showed spade values and asked partner to bid to three no-trump with something in hearts. South did not like having only a doubleton heart, but five clubs was a long way off. (Note that five clubs fails here if the defenders begin with three rounds of hearts, which gives them two hearts and one club.)
You have five top tricks: three spades, one diamond and one club. Four more clubs will see you home. But just in case East has all four missing clubs, you must start with the nine from the board. Then you can underplay your three, retaining the lead on the board to continue with the queen. In this way, you pick up East's holding and can still return to the board with a spade to cash the last club.