May the dummy walk around the table and stand behind declarer to watch the play?
You are South, in four spades. West leads his fourth-highest diamond. What would be your plan?
North's response of two no-trump was the Jacoby Forcing Raise. It promised at least four-card spade support and game-going values. Typically, it also denied a singleton or a void, because with one of those the responder would have made a splinter bid. (Do not make a splinter with a singleton king, and try to avoid it with a bare ace.)
Your four-spade rebid showed a minimum opening with no singleton or void.
You seem to have six spades, one diamond and at least three clubs. Is there any danger?
Yes, if East holds both the heart ace and club king, and West can regain the lead to shift to a heart through dummy's king, you would lose four tricks.
The secret is to duck the first trick, so that West cannot get on lead with his diamond queen.
Win East's diamond return, draw trumps, and take the club finesse. Everything is under control.
If you win trick one with dummy's diamond ace, East, when in with his club king, can return a low diamond, West being marked with the queen because his fourth-highest lead promised an honor in the suit. Then the heart switch would give the defense four tricks.
In duplicate, the dummy may not stand behind declarer to watch the play. But in Chicago or rubber bridge, it is permitted — although then the dummy loses his rights.
You are South, in four spades. West leads his fourth-highest diamond. What would be your plan?
North's response of two no-trump was the Jacoby Forcing Raise. It promised at least four-card spade support and game-going values. Typically, it also denied a singleton or a void, because with one of those the responder would have made a splinter bid. (Do not make a splinter with a singleton king, and try to avoid it with a bare ace.)
Your four-spade rebid showed a minimum opening with no singleton or void.
You seem to have six spades, one diamond and at least three clubs. Is there any danger?
Yes, if East holds both the heart ace and club king, and West can regain the lead to shift to a heart through dummy's king, you would lose four tricks.
The secret is to duck the first trick, so that West cannot get on lead with his diamond queen.
Win East's diamond return, draw trumps, and take the club finesse. Everything is under control.
If you win trick one with dummy's diamond ace, East, when in with his club king, can return a low diamond, West being marked with the queen because his fourth-highest lead promised an honor in the suit. Then the heart switch would give the defense four tricks.
In duplicate, the dummy may not stand behind declarer to watch the play. But in Chicago or rubber bridge, it is permitted — although then the dummy loses his rights.