A junior player has access to a vast amount of information about bridge, but to become an expert, she or he must still have talent, finding winning bids and plays.
French brothers Olivier and Thomas Bessis, West and East, combined beautifully to defeat this five-club contract. We will generously gloss over Olivier's pointless one-diamond overcall. East's two-heart advance, because he was a passed hand, showed hearts and diamond support. South's double promised exactly three spades.
West did well to lead the diamond queen, not the heart two. Declarer won with dummy's king, played a club to his ace, cashed his diamond ace, led a club to dummy's king, and called for the heart jack. East kept his side alive by playing low smoothly.
Misguessing, South played low from his hand. West won with his queen and did well not to shift to a spade. He found the only winning return: a heart. (He led the nine because he had two hearts left.) But that was not sufficient. After declarer discarded a spade from the dummy, Thomas defended brilliantly by not winning the trick. If he had taken his ace, South would have discarded dummy's remaining low spades on his king and 10 of hearts, losing only two hearts. When East let declarer take the trick with his heart 10, South had to play spades for the loss of only one trick, which was an impossible task. So declarer lost one heart and two spades.
For this defense the brothers were awarded the International Bridge Press Association's prize for the best junior performance of 2007.
French brothers Olivier and Thomas Bessis, West and East, combined beautifully to defeat this five-club contract. We will generously gloss over Olivier's pointless one-diamond overcall. East's two-heart advance, because he was a passed hand, showed hearts and diamond support. South's double promised exactly three spades.
West did well to lead the diamond queen, not the heart two. Declarer won with dummy's king, played a club to his ace, cashed his diamond ace, led a club to dummy's king, and called for the heart jack. East kept his side alive by playing low smoothly.
Misguessing, South played low from his hand. West won with his queen and did well not to shift to a spade. He found the only winning return: a heart. (He led the nine because he had two hearts left.) But that was not sufficient. After declarer discarded a spade from the dummy, Thomas defended brilliantly by not winning the trick. If he had taken his ace, South would have discarded dummy's remaining low spades on his king and 10 of hearts, losing only two hearts. When East let declarer take the trick with his heart 10, South had to play spades for the loss of only one trick, which was an impossible task. So declarer lost one heart and two spades.
For this defense the brothers were awarded the International Bridge Press Association's prize for the best junior performance of 2007.