DEAR DR. GOTT: I've been following your commentary on the professionalism of physicians, and I happen to have bipolar disorder. On two occasions, when I was neither manic nor depressed, I went to family physicians for purely physical problems only to have them make comments that I was "one of their crazy patients" and others that were similar. At the time, I was too shocked to speak up and ask for an apology.
It seems highly unlikely that either of these doctors would make racial slurs to a patient, so why did they feel it was acceptable to make rude comments about a condition I have that is beyond my control?
DEAR READER: Why these physicians felt it OK to make rude comments is beyond my comprehension. It was inappropriate, hurtful and unethical. You are correct that this condition is beyond your control. You have no choice about how or when it will affect you.
I urge you to write a letter or phone the offending physicians, express your concern, outrage and disappointment in their behavior and request a written, formal apology. If these physicians are smart, they will learn from this experience and not make the same mistake again.
DEAR DR. GOTT: Awhile ago, you had a letter from a reader who said Vicks didn't work for nail fungus. I, too, was having hard time getting rid of a nail fungus with it, but then discovered it was more effective if I got the Vicks under the nail. I used a soft-bristled toothbrush to gently massage the salve into the skin under the affected nail. Within two weeks, I started to notice the nail and skin were less yellow and flaky. Since then, the fungus has completely gone and my new nail has grown in healthy and strong.
DEAR READER: I believe that part of the problem with Vicks for nail fungus lies with how people are using it. I have repeatedly told my readers to trim the nail as much as possible without causing pain before applying the Vicks to the skin surrounding (and under) the nail. From some of the letters I have received that claim Vicks doesn't work, it appears that the individuals have not bothered following the proper procedure.
Having said that, since I first started recommending Vicks for nail fungus, a new product has come on the market. Miranel is a Vicks-like salve that has an added ingredient that allows more of the active ingredients to penetrate the nail reaching the skin underneath. Since nail fungus is actually an infection of the skin under the nail, it is important that this area have the most treatment. This is why the nails needed to be trimmed before applying the Vicks, but Miranel has further enhanced the effect.
I have mentioned the product in the past and have since received many letters from readers who have had great success using it. It is available in most pharmacies and at Wal-Mart.
To give you related information, I am sending you a copy of my Health Report "Dr. Gott's Compelling Home Remedies." Others readers who would like a copy should send a self-addressed, stamped No. 10 envelope and $2 to Newsletter, PO Box 167, Wickliffe, OH 44092. Be sure to mention the title.
Ask Dr. Gott 9/13
Insensitive doc leaves reader hurt, angry

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