Mr. Jerry CollinsShawn Chapman Funeral Home, Crematory and Monuments Mr. Jerry Collins, age 81, of Chatsworth, passed away March 1, 2015, at Hamilton Medical Center. Deacon Lonnie Lee GainesCraig R. Tremble Funeral Home, Statesboro Chapel Deacon Lonnie Lee Gaines, age 75, passed peacefully away on Thursday, February 26th, at his residence under the professional care of Gentiva Hospice, surrounded by his loving family, after a short illness. Mrs. Norma Sue Hutton HoltJoiner-Anderson Funeral Home STATESBORO, Ga. -- Mrs. Norma Sue Hutton Holt, age 77, died on Saturday, February 28, 2015, at the Ogeechee Area Hospice Inpatient Facility.
March 3 - Mr. Jerry Collins, age 81, of Chatsworth, passed away March 1, 2015, at Hamilton Medical C

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