Ahmetta DeLoach HarvilleHodges-Moore Funeral Home Ahmetta DeLoach Harville, age 103, widow of Terrell Harville, passed away Tuesday, March 20th, at Ogeechee Area Hospice surrounded by her loving family. Diana Favorite Sikes JoinerCrowe-Fields Funeral Home MILLEN, Ga. -- Diana Favorite Sikes Joiner, 67, passed away Monday, March 19, 2018, at Vidalia Hospice House in Vidalia. Bobby Alton McCoyJ. Mellie NeSmith Funweral Home BELLVILLE -- Bobby Alton McCoy, 76, passed away Monday, March 19th, at his residence.
March 21 - Ahmetta DeLoach Harville, age 103, widow of Terrell Harville, passed away Tuesday, March

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