Nellie Jean HaralsonHodges-Moore Funeral Home Nellie Jean Haralson, 77, died Thursday, January 8, 2015, at her residence. Mr. Joseph Charlton "Joe" Hines Jr.Joiner-Anderson Funeral Home and Crematory STATESBORO, Ga. -- Mr. Joseph Charlton "Joe" Hines Jr., age 77, died on Thursday, January 8, 2015, at St. Joseph's Hospital in Savannah. Mr. Donald W. MorrisJoiner-Anderson Funeral Home and Crematory BROOKLET, Ga. -- Mr. Donald W. Morris, age 76, died on Thursday, January 8, 2015, at the Ogeechee Area Hospice Inpatient Facility.
January 10 - Nellie Jean Haralson, 77, died Thursday, January 8, 2015, at her residence.

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